Need a hand bouncing back?
Grab my 7-Day Resilience Checklist to give you the tools to create an unbreakable foundation for your goals in just one week. 

💪FREE 7-Day Resilience Checklist 💪

In a world full of uncertainty, there's one thing you can always count on: your ability to adapt and grow.

And with the 7-Day Resilience Checklist, you can tap into that inner strength whenever you need it.

Ready to bounce back? Download the checklist now and start building the resilience you need to thrive. 

Meet Colleen Riddle

Like many of my friends, I was raised with a “Clorox” mentality, where the thinking is that it’s not clean unless your lungs burn. I was crazy for everything scented, from candles to personal care products.  If it smelled clean I “automatically” assumed it was in fact “clean” (and good for you). 

I remember bonding with my mom as she would show me how to apply makeup and all the wonderful smelling body sprays and lotions. She even showed me her “secret” for oily skin (baby powder). Little did I know that baby (talcum) powder would later be disclosed as massively toxic.

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