This month we are getting real with ourselves and moving past our unhealthy coping mechanisms to do the real work, and we are using the Feelings Kit from Young Living Essential Oils to help us release past trauma and emotional blocks.
Yes, I'm normal and have my own coping mechanisms. Most of the time it's wine. Yup....I'm a personal trainer and I love wine. There's no problem with drinking wine, but I know that sometimes it's an automatic "go to" when I'm stressed out or angry. Instead of digging in and "feeling," I grab the glass of wine.
How about you? Do you flip on Netflix to escape and grab a bag of Doritos? Hop on Amazon and shop the night away?
As the gatekeepers of our homes we have such a great opportunity to bring in healthy products and create healthy habits for ourselves and families! Join us as we detox our emotions this month and switch out conventional coping mechanisms for healthier, healing options!
For May, we are focusing on digging deep to release all our comfort vices, sit with and honor our experiences and trauma, and do the emotional work needed to move forward in healing and self love. Instead of turning to things like detachment, Netflix binges, alcohol, food, sugar, shopping, work, projects or any other comfort measure that keeps us from truly processing the emotions beneath, we are going to pull out the Feelings Kit and use these oil blends with intention and consistency!
Why use these essential oils (or oils at all?!) for this process? Because of the power of aromatherapy and the limbic system. Our sense of smell is directly related to our emotions and mood. The cranial nerve associated with smell sits next to the hypothalamus - the area of the brain responsible for mood, feelings and emotional processing. Further, the Feelings Kit blends contain a combination of oils high in compounds that can cross the blood brain barrier to reprogram bad coding from the cells. Then other compounds rewrite that code to restore the original perfect copy, one that will not keep us pulled into the physical and emotional effects of stress. This is a process, but the great thing about essential oils is that we have a CHOICE to embrace that process instead of loading our bodies up with lots of toxins and other things that create more confusion in the cells.
The Feelings Collection includes six essential oil blends, each of which is a powerful tool for supporting and releasing emotional patterns. Use in the morning and evening to promote peaceful thoughts and spiritual harmony. To learn more click here and check out the fascinating Feelings Kit. https://colleenriddle.lifestepseo.com/resources/90d956aa-f545-4b26-9613-3ebcd41efbf9
Reach out if you'd like more information or to get started with us. There's a group of us doing it together and we have extra, helpful information to go along with the kit! I'm on Day 3 and loving it!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!