There are probably a few things in your life that you’d like to slow down…
But when it comes to your metabolism? Probably not.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of sneaky ways we slow our metabolism down — here are 7 of the most common metabolism saboteurs:
1, You don’t eat enough
Your body is smart! When you regularly eat less fuel than you burn, your body can make itself even more efficient by lowering how many calories it needs.
This can happen if 1) you exercise a lot and don’t ramp up your food intake to match it; 2) you undereat every day, or 3) go on a lot of diets.
2. You skip meals
Research shows that eating regular meals throughout the day is linked with a greater “thermic effect of food” – i.e., more calories burned after eating.
Plus, eating on a regular schedule helps your body manage its blood sugar levels, which is a biggie when it comes to your health.
3. You don’t lift weights
Strength training helps boost your metabolism in a couple of different ways.
Over the long run, it helps build muscle, and muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue.
But it also has an immediate benefit: it raises your metabolism for hours after your workout is finished.
4. You slack on your sleep
Not getting enough sleep is like a triple whammy on your metabolism.
- When you’re tired you’re not as active, which means a lower daily calorie burn
- You tend to eat more when you’re sleep-deprived because it messes up your hunger hormones and makes you crave high-calorie foods
- Your body has a harder time managing blood sugar levels when you’re low on sleep, which can make you store fat
5. You sit all day
Being sedentary – i.e., not getting up to move around every half-hour or so — is linked with a slower metabolism. Time for that standing desk!
6. You don’t eat enough protein
Not only does protein keep you feeling full after you eat it, but it also helps you build metabolism-boosting muscle.
Plus, digesting it burns more calories than digesting carbs or fat.
Some guidelines: aim for between .73 and 1 gram of protein for every pound of your weight (1.6 and 2.2 grams per kilogram of your weight).
7. You get stressed out a lot
It’s true! Stress can LOWER your metabolism.
An Ohio State University study found that women burned fewer calories after they ate a high-fat meal when they were stressed.
Just another reason it’s so important to have a plan to regularly blow off stress, like working out, meditating, or relaxing hobbies!
How many of those rang a bell for you?
If you know you need some support revving up your metabolism and creating healthy habits, my 28-Day Total Body Transformation program can help you go from feeling blah and sluggish to confident and energized in just 28 days!
I'm here to support you in any way, just respond to this email if you want to chat or have any questions! I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!
"I have lost 15 lbs during the 28-day program. The biggest thing is realizing that I in fact wasn’t eating clean at all & you gotta move daily! I’m now enjoying fresh, organic choices vs anything over sauced or breaded. My fridge is full of beautiful colors, and I have lots of energy. Thanks Colleen, I know you love what you do!" - Tammy M.
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Do you ever think about how much your core muscles actually do for you?
When most of us think about core strength, we think about how our core looks…
But the fact is, our core is responsible for almost every move we make — like walking, picking stuff up, and even breathing!
And something you might not know is that because your core muscles can directly impact your posture….
There’s also a link to your stress levels, digestion, and overall health, too.
(Although let's be real, having a strong, toned midsection also feels pretty darn good, right?)
However, if your core isn’t as powerful as it used to be, I’ve created a FREE guide to help you tighten, tone, and strengthen those major muscles.
GRAB YOUR COPY HERE: Core Strong Guide
Inside, you'll find 5 easy-to-follow workouts and exercises that target not just your abs, but all of the muscles in your midsection, from top to bottom, back to front!
Need some ideas for working these exercises into your daily routine?
- Pick an exercise to do during a commercial break while you’re watching TV
- Work your core while you’re waiting for your coffee to brew in the morning
- Or do them at the end of your next workout
A little goes a long way when you stay consistent!
Whether you're new to exercise, coming back after a long break from working out, or a seasoned athlete, this guide has something for everyone. (If you know anyone who would love a copy of this, feel free to share this email/link with them.)
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Have you ever noticed that foods that aren't exactly “good” for you seem to taste amazing?
It’s kind of like Mother Nature is playing a practical joke… but there are a few reasons this happens.
- Many “crave-worthy” foods are loaded with sugar, salt, fat, and empty calories.
- Our brains are hardwired to crave tasty, high-energy (aka high-calorie) foods because they help us survive when food is scarce. (Except for most of us, food isn’t scarce anymore — so we have to be careful not to overeat these foods.)
- Manufacturers spend a LOT of time and money making these foods as delicious as possible – and also on ads to entice us. It's no surprise that some of these foods are hard to resist!
So if you find yourself craving these foods, that’s by design!
I’m sharing this with you because I believe knowledge is power — and keeping this in mind helps me keep my own food choices in check!
According to the National Academy of Sciences, people eat too many calories, saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars; too much sodium; and not enough vitamin D, calcium, potassium, or fiber.
Here’s the kicker: the top causes of death (heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, etc.) are strongly associated with our food choices!
Now, I am all for moderation (80%-90% healthy foods, 10%-20% “extras”) … but I also know that walking that tightrope can be a real challenge sometimes!
That’s just one reason I created the 28-Day Total Body Transformation program. If you want to know exactly how we do this and what's included, you can read my program breakdown HERE.
It’s time to discover just how GREAT you can feel!
Here's what one 28-Day participant said about the program, "
When I first heard about Colleen's program, I thought I didn't have "time" for another program. I read more about it and realized it was different and easier than most programs that are out there. I changed some major bad habits in just 3 days into the program that I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to do. I love the new habits I've created and still going strong; they are really lifelong changes. Who knew! Colleen did!"-Melissa G.
Our challenge this week over in my private Facebook group is "No added sugar challenge!" Join us...especially if you are feeling sluggish after too many chocolate covered bunnies from Easter!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Happy Groundhog Day! If you are disappointed that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and we have 6 more weeks of winter, I am too! I hate cold weather, but I wanted to look at the bright side of things.....
I recently read an article about the benefits of exercising in cold weather. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “studies show that exercising in cold weather can transform white fat, specifically belly and thigh fat, into calorie-burning brown fat.” Because working out in the cold activates brown fat more than exercising at room temperature does, it can potentially help efforts to lose weight.
Well, that's some good motivation to get outside and move our bodies! Here are a few tips to stay safe while exercising in colder weather:
1. Warm up with dynamic stretches (involves motion to increase circulation). Our cold muscles need extra warm up to avoid injury. Here are a few examples
*Arm circles
*Air squats
*Toe Touches
*Leg swings
2. Layer your clothing and cover your head, hands, and ears
3. Stay hydrated: believe it or not, you're more prone to get dehydrated when it's cold because your thirst sensation is reduced. Drink before, during, and after exercise.
Other perks of exercising outdoors in the winter include improvements in your metabolism, fat-burning, mood, endurance, heart health and sleep.
Let me know what exercise you do outside!
Stay warm, and happy Ground Hog Day!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
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