I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re struggling with your New Year’s goals right now…
Why? Because you deserve better than that.
In fact, did you know that the second Friday in January has become known as “Quitter’s Day”?
Yup, it’s true…
The second Friday in January is supposedly the day by which most people have ditched their resolutions. 🤯
But, there’s ONE powerful way that you can shut down those naysayers:
Instead of quitting, commit to ONE healthy action today. (It’s that simple.)
Need some easy ideas? Here’s a list of 15 healthy actions you can do ASAP even if you’ve already put your goals on the shelf — and all you have to do is choose ONE:
- Drink a glass of water
- Spend 5 minutes quietly focusing on your breath
- Go for a walk
- Take a multivitamin
- Do some squats
- Plan a healthy dinner
- Put your phone away for 30 minutes
- Go outside for some fresh air
- Write in a journal for 5 minutes
- Reach out to a friend or other supportive person
- Brush your teeth
- Hire a coach
- Read a self-development article or watch a video
- Adjust your goals
- Eat an apple
Remember, do just one thing.
Then, use that teeny-tiny bit of momentum to power your next healthy thing… and your next… and your next.
And if you are ready to conquer your goals once and for all, I have a time-tested plan that’s helped women just like you lose weight and regain their energy without feeling deprived and spending hours in the gym!
Another session of my 28-Day Total Body Transformation is kicking off February 12th, and it’s not too late for you to join. You can learn more HERE.
It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you 1) have a plan and 2) work the plan!
Here's what one customer had to say about her experience, "
"When I first heard about Colleen's program, I thought I didn't have "time" for another program. I read more about it and realized it was different and easier than most programs that are out there. I changed some major bad habits in just 3 days into the program that I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to do. I love the new habits I've created and still going strong; they are really lifelong changes. Who knew! Colleen did!"-Melissa G.
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

It’s not just you — a study by Healthline found that when it comes to health and finances, not only do 44% of people think the holidays are “somewhat stressful”...
18% of them classified them as “very stressful”!
The good news?
You can conquer both areas – you just need a roadmap.
Thriving Through the Holidays Checklist
- Make your plans TODAY.
If you love last-minute shopping, leave a couple of small things undone, but get all the big things handled ASAP … and make packing or organizing lists if your holidays involve travel or entertaining. - Make time for movement EVERY DAY, no excuses.
This will help you destress, sleep better, and boost your energy, metabolism, and immune system.
- Eat till you’re satisfied (not stuffed!).
Decide NOW that this will be your plan of action! - But still enjoy the “worth it” favorite holiday treats.
- Make time for sleep.
A rested body & mind = better mood, less stress, and more vibrant health. - Go outside for some fresh air and sunshine every day.
This is a proven stress-buster! - Create a fallback plan.
I talked about this a few weeks ago but it’s worth bringing up again. Things will go sideways at some point. But when you have a plan, you won’t stress out when it happens.
When you boil your to-do lists down to the actions that really make a difference – and eliminate the things that don’t – it’s amazing how much you can accomplish...
WITHOUT the stress.
This is the same approach I use with my clients. We create a roadmap of the BEST actions that will propel them toward their goals.
Want to know how this approach can help YOU feel better, have more energy, and lose weight?
I have two openings for one-on-one personal training, and of course my proven 28-Day Program to jumpstart your wellness habits. For TODAY ONLY, in honor of Cyber Monday, I'm offering 20% off my 28-Day Total Body Transformation Program. Use code: itstimeforme and click HERE.
Here's what one raving fan has to say about the program:
"When I first heard about Colleen's program, I thought I didn't have "time" for another program. I read more about it and realized it was different and easier than most programs that are out there. I changed some major bad habits in just 3 days into the program that I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to do. I love the new habits I've created and still going strong; they are really lifelong changes. Who knew! Colleen did!"-Melissa G.
Here’s to less stress and more of what really matters!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

If you could call out the #1 enemy of your goals, what would it be?
There are so many to choose from:
- Not having enough time
- Lack of support
- Not knowing what to do
- Your genetics
- Pizza
The list goes on and on!
But what if I told you that none of those things are actually your enemy. (Seriously!)
That’s because … drumroll … the number one thing standing in between you and your goals is:
We can ALL get in our own way from time to time.
Here are just a few ways we let it happen:
- You haven’t made reaching your goals a true priority. This means you let your healthy habits slide when you’re stressed/tired/something more fun comes along.
- You have imposter syndrome. You don’t think you are worthy of your goals, which makes it easier to quit.
- You haven’t set yourself up for success. It’s super easy to get discouraged and quit when you don’t have a plan, support, accountability, etc.
- You think you don’t have the willpower. EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) struggles from time to time. But when you know WHY your goal matters to you, it’s easier to overcome those struggles.
- You let one “slip” derail you. No one is perfect 24/7. The people who reach their goals get up after a slip-up, dust themselves off, figure out what went wrong, and get back at it!
Those are 5 self-sabotaging behaviors off the top of my head. There are dozens more.
BUT… knowing yourself and being aware of the ways that YOU tend to get in your own way, will help you to become even STRONGER.
What would happen if the next time you slipped up, you took some real time to think about the reasons why – without beating yourself up for it? (Self-reflection is powerful)
“Know that you are your greatest enemy, but also your greatest friend.” – Jeremy Taylor.
Your mindset makes all the difference.
Taking some real time to explore it – whether you do it by journaling, working with a coach, or talking with a trusted mentor or friend – can help you reconnect with the reasons your goals matter to you.
Because when your mindset is right, you can overcome just about any obstacle that is standing in your way!
You CAN do this!
If you need some guidance reach out and let's see if one of my programs fits for you.
If you are local in the Santa Rosa Beach area I have two awesome events this week. My monthly Release, Renew & Reconnect Bonfire on Friday and a Pamper Yourself Ladies night on Thursday. Here's more info: https://colleenriddle.com/events
I'm also leading a "Live, Llama & Prosper" online event. We will be teaching simple, daily wellness tips to support your mood, energy, muscles, digestion and overall wellbeing. In 12 days you will have the confidence and knowledge to better support yourself every day moving forward! It's free to participate; all you need are these essential oils 12 powerful essential oils. Reach out with any questions.
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

We all have that one thing (maybe more!) we are great at.
- Hitting a 3-pointer
- Keeping our checking/savings accounts balanced
- Home DIY projects or organization
- Cooking a big meal
It’s true, you might have some natural talent for those things. But the reason you got “great” at them wasn’t because of the talent.
It was because you gave them your attention and energy.
You also probably had some guidance (whether you know it or not!).
It could have been learning from a high school coach, watching a video on YouTube, taking a class online, learning from a friend, and the list goes on.
Another key to becoming “great”?
Maybe it was a practice schedule, a budget, a worksheet, or a recipe. Even if was in your head … you probably had some kind of structure to follow.
And of course, last but not least …. you took ACTION.
Well, that same formula works for success at practically everything.
Attention + Support + Proven Plan + Action = RESULTS
This even includes your health and fitness goals!
When you give your fitness and wellness attention, have support, and follow a proven plan… results will follow.
You just have to hang in there until you start to reap the benefits – which doesn’t take as long as you might think.
Take a quick inventory of your own goals right now.
If you’re not on track… which part of the formula is missing?
If you need some guidance, I can help. This is what I do.
I help my clients get – and stay! – fired up with a time-tested plan for creating sustainable healthy habits, boosting your energy, and feeling great about yourself. If you’re ready to make a change, let’s chat and see what programs might fit you best.
Have an amazing week!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!