Turn Off Mental Autopilot!

Turn Off Mental Autopilot!
Living on autopilot can be a significant barrier to forming new, healthy habits. This includes saying “yes” to unwanted commitments, excessive screen time, and using stimulants or alcohol to mask underlying issues. To truly thrive, it's crucial to become mindful, engaged, and present in daily life.

By slowing down and paying attention to your actions, you can better understand what moves you forward and what holds you back. Simple steps like pausing before making decisions and listening to your body's needs can make a profound difference.

If you're seeking guidance on this mindful journey, a coach can offer valuable insights and support. Through online personal training and coaching, you can align your actions with your values and achieve your health and life goals more effectively.

What “I’ll start tomorrow” really means...

What “I’ll start tomorrow” really means...
We’ve all said it… I’ll start tomorrow.
And we usually even mean it! 😆
And maybe we DO start tomorrow… but before too long, we find ourselves focused on yet another restart… and yet another tomorrow!
The truth is, whether you’re talking about working out, cleaning up your diet, getting more sleep, or starting a new side business…..
The I'll start tomorrow mindset is a HUGE obstacle between you and your goals.
And the more you say it, the bigger that obstacle grows.
I’ll start tomorrow is NOT laziness (even though that is what we often tell ourselves).
It’s actually about fear: fear of failure, of change, and maybe even of success. 
This fear is sneaky because the longer you put off starting, the harder it becomes to believe you can achieve your goals.
Here’s what to do instead of waiting till tomorrow:
Start TODAY with just ONE SMALL THING.
  • Take a walk around the block instead of waiting to begin that fancy 12-week periodized workout plan
  • Make a healthy choice for dinner, instead of expecting yourself to dive full-force into a complete meal-planning program
  • Move more and sit less (while being intentional about it)
  • Sign up for that program you’ve been thinking about 😉
The whole point is just to START.
All we’ve got is today. Let’s make it count.

Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Creator of the Fit Pickleballer's Injury Prevention Program
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info!  Wellness With Colleen

P.S. If you are ready to take action today and not wait until tomorrow…
My 28-Day Total Body Transformation Program can help you boost your metabolism, eliminate sugar cravings, lose the bloat, and rid the body of unwanted fat…

  • Learn to fuel your body with the right balance of nutrients for sustained energy and improved performance.

  • Gain the confidence and knowledge to make healthier choices, even when life gets busy. 
  • Experience how easy it is to fit in short, effective workouts
Plus, you'll have access to a supportive community and ongoing coaching to keep you motivated and on track.
Want to see if the 28-Day Total Body Transformation is right for you? 
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Do THIS instead of Quitting

Do THIS instead of Quitting
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re struggling with your New Year’s goals right now…


Why? Because you deserve better than that.

In fact, did you know that the second Friday in January has become known as “Quitter’s Day”?

Yup, it’s true…

The second Friday in January is supposedly the day by which most people have ditched their resolutions. 🤯

But, there’s ONE powerful way that you can shut down those naysayers:

Instead of quitting, commit to ONE healthy action today. (It’s that simple.)

Need some easy ideas? Here’s a list of 15 healthy actions you can do ASAP even if you’ve already put your goals on the shelf — and all you have to do is choose ONE:

  1. Drink a glass of water
  2. Spend 5 minutes quietly focusing on your breath
  3. Go for a walk
  4. Take a multivitamin
  5. Do some squats
  6. Plan a healthy dinner
  7. Put your phone away for 30 minutes
  8. Go outside for some fresh air
  9. Write in a journal for 5 minutes
  10.  Reach out to a friend or other supportive person
  11.  Brush your teeth
  12.  Hire a coach
  13.  Read a self-development article or watch a video
  14.  Adjust your goals
  15.  Eat an apple
Remember, do just one thing. 

Then, use that teeny-tiny bit of momentum to power your next healthy thing… and your next… and your next.

And if you are ready to conquer your goals once and for all, I have a time-tested plan that’s helped women just like you lose weight and regain their energy without feeling deprived and spending hours in the gym! 

Another session of my 28-Day Total Body Transformation is kicking off February 12th, and it’s not too late for you to join. You can learn more HERE.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you 1) have a plan and 2) work the plan!

Here's what one customer had to say about her experience, "
"When I first heard about Colleen's program, I thought I didn't have "time" for another program. I read more about it and realized it was different and easier than most programs that are out there. I changed some major bad habits in just 3 days into the program that I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to do. I love the new habits I've created and still going strong; they are really lifelong changes. Who knew! Colleen did!"-Melissa G.
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

6 ways you’re making it harder to reach your goals

6 ways you’re making it harder to reach your goals
This month we are all about making your healthy lifestyle EASIER …

And one big way to do that is to get rid of the things that are blocking you from your goals.

I’ve got a quick list of 6 things you can stop doing now … so you can start getting results NOW!

Ready? Let’s go!

6 Ways You’re Making it Harder to Reach Your Goals

1. Aiming too high, too soon. This is a recipe for failure and frustration.

Goals like shedding 20 pounds in a few weeks… or running a marathon within a couple of months can be daunting and discouraging. Instead, set smaller, realistic targets to fuel your long-term progress. If this is an area you struggle with, a coach can help.

2. Comparing yourself to others. It's okay to draw inspiration from others but don't let their progress define your worth. 

Plus, you never know behind-the-scenes of what it REALLY took them to get there. Your journey is unique, so own it and celebrate your progress.

3. Over-restricting your diet. Eliminating foods (and food groups), skipping meals, or obsessing over the scale is not only discouraging… but it can lead to cravings, fatigue, and a serious lack of motivation. 

Aim for a balanced, enjoyable lifestyle that supports your health and well-being.

4. Navigating without a plan. Having a proven game plan to take you from where you are NOW to where you want to be will save you time and effort. Otherwise, you’re relying on guesswork to reach your goal. 

5. Short-term vision. Being fit for a vacation or an event is great… but staying in shape is even better. Consider your long-term health and avoid the exhausting cycle of temporary fitness.

6. Isolating yourself. Everyone needs support. A strong support network or a great coach can hold you accountable and help you reach your goals even faster. 

Having someone in your corner cheering you on – and helping you find the inner strength to step out of your comfort zone – is invaluable!

If this is an area you need help with, make sure you check out my online coaching program.

Imagine a version of yourself that radiates confidence, vitality, and joy every single day. A version that feels proud when they look in the mirror, slipping into their favorite clothes with ease. A version that exudes energy and charisma, embracing life to the fullest. That version is within your reach, and I am here to guide you on this life-changing path!

Click here to learn more about my online personal training and coaching program: https://colleenriddle.com/page/online-training

Remember… what you DON’T do is just as important as what you DO do in reaching your goals.

Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Creator of the Pickleball Injury Prevention Program
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info!  Wellness With Colleen

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

8 Ways to OWN IT!

8 Ways to OWN IT!

This month we’re focused on taking BIG ACTION toward our goals by doubling down on the one thing that will help you move the needle forward in a BIG WAY…

It’s taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (aka practicing resilience, mental toughness, or whatever you want to call it)!

These actions will step up your self-care game AND help you reach (& exceed) your health and fitness goals.

8 Ways to Own Your Outcome/Practice Personal Responsibility
  1. Hold yourself accountable. When you “own your outcome” and take personal responsibility for your life… your decisions, actions, and how you spend your time take on a whole new meaning.
So, when you tell yourself you are going to do something, DO IT. The more often you do this, the easier it gets… and the more progress you will make! 

  1. Ask for help if you need it. This is a big one because asking for help requires pushing your ego to the side so you can move forward, faster. 
  1. Don’t compare yourself to others. We all are born with different strengths, challenges, and gifts. Comparing yourself to others robs you of the ability to express and build on what’s uniquely YOU!

    Definitely let other people inspire you… but also let your own gifts shine because you never know who YOU will inspire.

  2. Expect the unexpected and, when it happens, don’t let it derail you. It’s pretty much inevitable that at some point you’re going to fall off track… so plan for it!

    There will always be obstacles – the key is to not let them stop you. They give you a chance to grow and learn. New levels, new devils.

  3. Strengthen your inner circle. When you’re close with people who are working toward the same things you are, it will help motivate and inspire you. It can also provide valuable support when things get tough.

  4. Take care of your body. When you eat healthy foods, get enough exercise, sleep well, manage your stress, and do all the self-care things, it gives you the energy you need to not only REACH your goals … but also live a more full and active life.

    And that’s what it’s all about, right?

  5. Take action (even when you don’t feel like it). You’re not always going to “feel like it.” And that’s completely normal. Do it anyway, because, in the long run, those micro-commitments you make to yourself aren’t really “micro” at all. 
  1. Focus on the positive. Check your inner dialogue… and when it turns negative, course correct ASAP so you don’t end up derailing your progress. (Or worse, quitting altogether.)
Another way to take personal responsibility? Work with a coach to help you stay focused on the exact actions you need to take to get results. 

If you’re an over 40 year old woman struggling to make your health a priority because you are taking care of everyone else, consider this a sign!  If you want to see if my 28-Day Program could help you finally lose the weight and feel like your old self again in just 28 days, book a call to see exactly what the process looks like for you and if it’s the right fit for your goals!

If you haven't downloaded my free "7-Day Resilience Checklist" grab it today to help you build your inner strength!

Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor 
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info!  Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
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