In a recent blog post, we explore the connection between fitness and your skin. Did you know that regular exercise can help your body produce antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress, which can impact your skin's health and aging process? Along with exercise, focusing on healthy eating, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep can also reduce oxidative stress and promote healthier skin. One powerful supplement to consider is Young Living's Ningxia Red, a nutrient-dense drink that boosts antioxidant levels, increases energy, supports sleep, and enhances immune health. By taking care of your body from the inside out, you can improve your overall health and wellness. Join our Facebook Group, Wellness With Colleen, for more information on ways to enhance your well-being.
Here’s a fact: even if you love veggies, it can be hard to get the required amount (2 to 3 cups a day).
And that’s a shame, because veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that your body needs to function at its very best.
If this is something you struggle with, I’ve got some easy ideas to help you ramp up your veggie intake:
1. Chop them into tiny bits
… and stir them into scrambled eggs, soups, potatoes, casseroles, etc. When they are minced, you barely notice them!
2. Add them to every meal … one meal at a time
Start by finding ways to add them to the easiest meal (probably dinner), and then when you master that, move on to another meal.
3. Be intentional about it
Decide it’s not a balanced meal if it doesn’t contain veggies, and then get on it!
4. Make them tasty
Experiment with adding sauces and spices to your veggies. This makes a huge difference!
5. Be sneaky
Try adding carrot or pumpkin puree, spinach, and/or mushrooms to your burgers or meatloaf.
6. Fill in the Gaps
Add a scoop of powerful greens to your daily shake or juice. I use Ningxia Greens to get my extra dose of powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. With over 60 nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits, herbs, algae and mushrooms I love the peace of mind as it supports my immune system, digestive health, and energy levels!
If you haven't joined my private Facebook Group, Wellness With Colleen, hop over there now. Every week I offer fun challenges, healthy recipes, and wellness tips.
This group is perfect for you if:
✔️ You want daily inspiration to stay on track while you create your healthy lifestyle
✔️ You’d love to get your biggest nutrition and fitness questions answered by a real coach and other like-minded people who are on the same journey
✔️ And you like getting access to FREE recipes, tips, workouts, and more!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Have you ever noticed that foods that aren't exactly “good” for you seem to taste amazing?
It’s kind of like Mother Nature is playing a practical joke… but there are a few reasons this happens.
- Many “crave-worthy” foods are loaded with sugar, salt, fat, and empty calories.
- Our brains are hardwired to crave tasty, high-energy (aka high-calorie) foods because they help us survive when food is scarce. (Except for most of us, food isn’t scarce anymore — so we have to be careful not to overeat these foods.)
- Manufacturers spend a LOT of time and money making these foods as delicious as possible – and also on ads to entice us. It's no surprise that some of these foods are hard to resist!
So if you find yourself craving these foods, that’s by design!
I’m sharing this with you because I believe knowledge is power — and keeping this in mind helps me keep my own food choices in check!
According to the National Academy of Sciences, people eat too many calories, saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars; too much sodium; and not enough vitamin D, calcium, potassium, or fiber.
Here’s the kicker: the top causes of death (heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, etc.) are strongly associated with our food choices!
Now, I am all for moderation (80%-90% healthy foods, 10%-20% “extras”) … but I also know that walking that tightrope can be a real challenge sometimes!
That’s just one reason I created the 28-Day Total Body Transformation program. If you want to know exactly how we do this and what's included, you can read my program breakdown HERE.
It’s time to discover just how GREAT you can feel!
Here's what one 28-Day participant said about the program, "
When I first heard about Colleen's program, I thought I didn't have "time" for another program. I read more about it and realized it was different and easier than most programs that are out there. I changed some major bad habits in just 3 days into the program that I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to do. I love the new habits I've created and still going strong; they are really lifelong changes. Who knew! Colleen did!"-Melissa G.
Our challenge this week over in my private Facebook group is "No added sugar challenge!" Join us...especially if you are feeling sluggish after too many chocolate covered bunnies from Easter!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

I get asked all the time:
“How do you stay so motivated?”
Fact: I don’t! …. So I work at it!
Motivation is like a muscle – the more you flex it, the stronger it becomes.
But what do you do to get your motivation “muscle” in shape in the first place?
You find ways to intentionally keep yourself motivated!
I’ve put together a list of proven ways to build motivation right into your healthy habits.
1. Make it fun! Try a new recipe. Do a new workout (working with a fitness pro is a no-brainer for this one!). Listen to your favorite music. Challenge yourself to try one new fruit or veg a week.
2. Set a goal that gets you psyched. Sign up for a fun run. Go for a weekend mountain biking getaway. Try a new recipe every week for three months. Sign up for a dance or take a pickleball lesson.
3. Make it part of your routine. Park farther away from your destination. Take the stairs. Go for a lunchtime walk outside. Work out as soon as you wake up in the morning. Hit the grocery store first thing on a weekend morning.
4. Create a journal. Document your progress: What did you do today that was great? What are you planning to do tomorrow? Write it down – and also write down how you feel about it.
5. Set up a reward system! Internal rewards: Be sure to tell yourself “good job” every time you follow through on your commitments to yourself. (It really does matter.)
External reward: Set milestones and then reward yourself (new shoes, new gear, massage, etc.) for reaching them.
6. Build a solid support and accountability circle. Find a supportive friend or group that will keep you moving forward. Working with a coach is invaluable here! (This is why most people hire me!)
7. Motivate somebody ELSE! Motivating others is incredibly motivating for YOU. How do I know? Well, let’s just say I am writing this email and it’s getting me psyched about my own [workout/meal prep/etc.]
7. Motivate somebody ELSE! Motivating others is incredibly motivating for YOU. How do I know? Well, let’s just say I am writing this email and it’s getting me psyched about my own [workout/meal prep/etc.]
8. Start the day off right. When you start your morning with a healthy meal or workout, it can set the tone for the entire day!
9. Work with a pro. There is nothing more motivating than seeing – and feeling – a noticeable difference in how you feel, move, and look!
My 28-Day Total Body Transformation program is a great place to start. Especially if you’re a woman over 40 dealing with stubborn belly fat and always putting everyone else's needs before your own and you want to see if my 28-Day program could help you get visible results in just 28 days, book a call to see exactly what the process looks like for you and if it’s the right fit for your goals.
Book today by responding to this message with the best time of day to connect for 15 minutes.
Book today by responding to this message with the best time of day to connect for 15 minutes.
Let’s do this!!
Here's your Monday morning giggle! (It's an instagram reel) Let me know if I made you smile!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Sent on behalf of Colleen Riddle, 219 S. Zander Way, Santa Rosa Beach FL via GetOiling.
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

It’s nutrition hack day … and I’ve got a tip that will give you a major payoff both right now and into the future.
But first, I need to start with a big question.
When you sit down to eat, do you pay attention to your food and how your body feels while you’re eating?
Or … are you chowing down in front of the TV or while scrolling your phone/computer?
Paying attention to how you fuel your body – and being INTENTIONAL about your food choices – can seriously transform your results.
By being intentional, I mean paying attention to:
- Where your food comes from,
- How you prepare and serve it,
- What it tastes like and how satisfying it is (every bite), and
- How it makes you feel after you eat it.
Check this out! According to a government study, the average person spends 2½ hours a day eating.
BUT for more than half of that time, we’re not paying attention to what we’re doing – we’re watching TV, working, on our phones, reading, etc.
More than HALF.
The problem with that is that being intentional helps you figure out which foods are working FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU.
By that I mean, meals that keep you feeling fuller, longer … or make you feel bloated, blah, tired, and/or hungry two hours later.
Try this: For the next few days, really pay attention to your food.
- Before you eat, think about where the food came from and how it was prepared.
- Take a moment to think about what purpose it is serving for your body, health, and goals.
- Taste and enjoy every bite.
- Notice if/when you feel full or satisfied.
- Note how you feel 1-2 hours later.
You might be (you will be!) surprised at what you discover.
I just released my Free Ultimate Post-Workout Recovery Guide! It's my gift for being a loyal follower!
You’ll learn simple tips and tricks for optimal post-workout recovery that will help you:
✔️ Support lean muscle growth
✔️ Experience better energy levels after your workout
✔️ And keep your motivation high!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!