First of all: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY❤️! I hope you do something GREAT for your heart today. Go for a walk, give someone you love a hug, breathe in the fresh air – anything that makes your heart happy.
My hubby and I are going to to partner Yoga class! I'm so excited!
Today I’m going to share something really important that just might change how you look at your health & fitness.It’s a mindset trick that will make it EASIER for you to:
Stick with the basics,
Avoid feeling overwhelmed, and
Take off some of the pressure you might feel about all things you think you “should” be doing.
Think back to the last time you had to teach someone something.
Maybe it was a new person at work … maybe it was teaching a kid to tie (or Velcro) their shoes … or maybe it was in an actual classroom.
How did you do it?
I’m guessing you didn’t overwhelm your student with EVERYTHING at once – or expect them to do it exactly right on their first (or second or third) try.
You probably started with the basics … at the very beginning … and then when they understood them, you added more info or actions. As a former third grade teacher, I learned this little tip over 25 years ago, and quickly realized that your healthy lifestyle habits are no different.
EXCEPT that we expect ourselves to be able to jump right into the deep end and do ALL the things from Day One.
(And do them perfectly.)
Not exactly a recipe for success – more like a plan for burnout and frustration.
A better approach: let yourself be like your student, and focus on 1-2 new habits and skills – actions that actually help you feel SUCCESSFUL.
And then add more when it’s time.
This could be:
Starting with a few workouts a week that leave you feeling energized and stronger (vs. sore and exhausted)
Making changes in your meals and snacks to include foods that you love AND support your goals (vs. leave you feeling deprived with constant cravings)
Finding ways to fit self-care into your busy schedule (vs. always feeling like you’re behind and struggling to catch up)
Sounds pretty good, right?
I help my clients create results that last a lifetime by focusing on the actions that actually WORK – for them, their goals, and their lifestyle!
I've helped hundreds of clients create sustainable, healthy lifestyles so they can have more energy, finally lose the weight, sleep better, and live an active, fulfilled life.
And I'd love to be part of your fitness/wellness team to help YOU reach your goals.
If you’re still reading right now, it’s for a reason. You’re probably ready to make some kind of a change in your life … and that’s AMAZING.
If this is you, let’s talk. We can figure out if I have a program that's a perfect fit for you!

Maybe you’ve heard this saying:
“You are only one workout away from a GOOD MOOD.”
It’s SO TRUE – a workout can rev up your body’s feel-good hormones, give you a mental break, and shift your focus. Which makes it a great way to turn your day around!
A few days ago, I sent you an email about how everything is connected – your sleep, activity, food choices, stress, and so much more.
You can read it here: https://colleenriddle.com/blog/30890/the-real-cause-of-your-cravings-
Anyway, I mentioned how if you’re having an “off” day in one area, taking ONE GOOD-FOR-YOU ACTION can turn it around into an “on” (or at least better) day.
A quick workout is one of the fastest ways to help with that – in just a few short minutes.
Here are 5 quick ways to get your heart pumping in just 10 minutes!
10-Minute Feel-Good Workouts:
Cardio Walk: Lace up your kicks and go outside for a quick 10-minute walk. Or hit the treadmill/elliptical for 10 minutes.
Strength Circuit: Repeat for a total of 10 minutes: 10 squats, 30 seconds “pretend” jump rope (or march in place), 10 pushups, 30 seconds jumping jacks, 10 lunges (each side), 10 bicycle crunches (each side), 10 glute bridges, 30-second break.
Dance It Out: Turn on your favorite music and have a dance party.
Aggression-Relieving Session: Alternate kickboxing moves – 30 seconds of punches with 30 seconds of kicks, 30 seconds off, for a total of 10 minutes.
Cardio Cleaning Session: Set your timer for 10 mins and GO for a fast & furious chore session. Don’t get distracted. (This one isn’t as fun as the options above … but on the plus side, you’ll knock off a few things from your to-do list.)
As you can see, you don’t need any special equipment – you just need some focus, good music, and boom! You can turn your day (& mood) around. We'd love to know if you try any of these ideas. Hop on over to the Facebook Group after you try and tell us!
Have a fantastic day!

- A bad night of sleep can throw your hunger hormones out of balance, making you feel hungry … even if you’ve eaten enough
- A stressful day can leave you exhausted and craving comfort foods (and tempt you to skip your workout)
- Lack of activity can drain your energy and also leave you tossing and turning
- Eating too close to bedtime can make it hard to sleep
- And on and on and on!
- Go outside for a brisk walk and fresh air – or make time for a workout
- Take 5-10 minutes to sit in a quiet space and do breathing exercises (I grab a favorite essential oil to enhance this)
- Make sure your next meal is healthy & made of whole foods (including veggies!)
- Double-check your water intake for the day

- Recognize WHY it happened
- Reevaluate your process to see if it needs to be changed
- Get back on-plan ASAP
- Add a rest day to your week,
- Keep a healthy ready-to-go meal at home, and/or
- Have a short and fun “off day” workout on standby with your favorite stress-busting exercises.