We all have that one thing (maybe more!) we are great at.
- Hitting a 3-pointer
- Keeping our checking/savings accounts balanced
- Home DIY projects or organization
- Cooking a big meal
It’s true, you might have some natural talent for those things. But the reason you got “great” at them wasn’t because of the talent.
It was because you gave them your attention and energy.
You also probably had some guidance (whether you know it or not!).
It could have been learning from a high school coach, watching a video on YouTube, taking a class online, learning from a friend, and the list goes on.
Another key to becoming “great”?
Maybe it was a practice schedule, a budget, a worksheet, or a recipe. Even if was in your head … you probably had some kind of structure to follow.
And of course, last but not least …. you took ACTION.
Well, that same formula works for success at practically everything.
Attention + Support + Proven Plan + Action = RESULTS
This even includes your health and fitness goals!
When you give your fitness and wellness attention, have support, and follow a proven plan… results will follow.
You just have to hang in there until you start to reap the benefits – which doesn’t take as long as you might think.
Take a quick inventory of your own goals right now.
If you’re not on track… which part of the formula is missing?
If you need some guidance, I can help. This is what I do.
I help my clients get – and stay! – fired up with a time-tested plan for creating sustainable healthy habits, boosting your energy, and feeling great about yourself. If you’re ready to make a change, let’s chat and see what programs might fit you best.
Have an amazing week!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
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