Maybe you’ve heard this saying:
“You are only one workout away from a GOOD MOOD.”
It’s SO TRUE – a workout can rev up your body’s feel-good hormones, give you a mental break, and shift your focus. Which makes it a great way to turn your day around!
A few days ago, I sent you an email about how everything is connected – your sleep, activity, food choices, stress, and so much more.
You can read it here: https://colleenriddle.com/blog/30890/the-real-cause-of-your-cravings-
Anyway, I mentioned how if you’re having an “off” day in one area, taking ONE GOOD-FOR-YOU ACTION can turn it around into an “on” (or at least better) day.
A quick workout is one of the fastest ways to help with that – in just a few short minutes.
Here are 5 quick ways to get your heart pumping in just 10 minutes!
10-Minute Feel-Good Workouts:
Cardio Walk: Lace up your kicks and go outside for a quick 10-minute walk. Or hit the treadmill/elliptical for 10 minutes.
Strength Circuit: Repeat for a total of 10 minutes: 10 squats, 30 seconds “pretend” jump rope (or march in place), 10 pushups, 30 seconds jumping jacks, 10 lunges (each side), 10 bicycle crunches (each side), 10 glute bridges, 30-second break.
Dance It Out: Turn on your favorite music and have a dance party.
Aggression-Relieving Session: Alternate kickboxing moves – 30 seconds of punches with 30 seconds of kicks, 30 seconds off, for a total of 10 minutes.
Cardio Cleaning Session: Set your timer for 10 mins and GO for a fast & furious chore session. Don’t get distracted. (This one isn’t as fun as the options above … but on the plus side, you’ll knock off a few things from your to-do list.)
As you can see, you don’t need any special equipment – you just need some focus, good music, and boom! You can turn your day (& mood) around. We'd love to know if you try any of these ideas. Hop on over to the Facebook Group after you try and tell us!
Have a fantastic day!

- A bad night of sleep can throw your hunger hormones out of balance, making you feel hungry … even if you’ve eaten enough
- A stressful day can leave you exhausted and craving comfort foods (and tempt you to skip your workout)
- Lack of activity can drain your energy and also leave you tossing and turning
- Eating too close to bedtime can make it hard to sleep
- And on and on and on!
- Go outside for a brisk walk and fresh air – or make time for a workout
- Take 5-10 minutes to sit in a quiet space and do breathing exercises (I grab a favorite essential oil to enhance this)
- Make sure your next meal is healthy & made of whole foods (including veggies!)
- Double-check your water intake for the day

- Recognize WHY it happened
- Reevaluate your process to see if it needs to be changed
- Get back on-plan ASAP
- Add a rest day to your week,
- Keep a healthy ready-to-go meal at home, and/or
- Have a short and fun “off day” workout on standby with your favorite stress-busting exercises.

Welcome to 2022!
If you’re not already feeling FIRED UP for SUCCESS … this mini mindset exercise will help you get there. (And if you are, it will take it to the next level!)
Chances are you’ve set quite a few goals in the past. Just the fact that you’re on my email list is a pretty good hint that you’re focused and goal-oriented.
Well today, we’re going to crank that up a bit.
This exercise is straight out of my 2022 Goal-Getting & Habit Stacking Action Plan (get your copy here: https://colleenriddle.com/landing/2022-goal-getting-guide)
What if this year, we expanded the idea of “goals” into something even BIGGER – a vision of SUCCESS.
Think about what would make 2022 a successful year for you.
What would you look back on in amazement, pride, and excitement?
I’m not just talking about health & fitness goals (though those are incredibly important)…
I’m talking about ALL ASPECTS of your life – career, family, social network, spiritual connection, etc
What would you look back on and think, “Wow, look at what I did!”?
You know you’re on the right track with your “success vision” when you:
1) Feel yourself start to smile and/or
2) Get some butterflies in your stomach
And here’s where the rubber meets the road….
It’s time to live “AS IF” you’ve already reached that success.
What would your day look like today if you ALREADY achieved that success?
What daily habits you would have picked up along the way?
It’s time to start DOING THEM now – to adopt the habits of that future version of yourself.
This is one of the most sure-fire ways to turn your goals into reality – it helps you learn and build the skills, habits, and mindset that will support your vision of success.
And even more importantly, it helps you create LIFESTYLE change where this “new way of living” becomes almost automatic.
At Elite Physique, I'm not about quick fixes or yo-yo’ing results. I'm all about creating real, lifelong change.
I want your “New Year” goals to become permanent, so you’re not setting the same goals year after year.
I’ve worked with hundreds of people to help them lose weight, feel more confident, and create sustainable, healthy lifestyles.
If you want a personalized roadmap to help you achieve these same results, you don’t have time to wait! Your future “you” is waiting for you!
Join me in my upcoming 28-Day Total Body Transformational Challenge. It's a perfect way to kickstart your 2022 healthy lifestyle plan. It's time to say, "YES" to your health! Here's what one participant had to say, "I’ve learned that THIS is the most successful format for a challenge that I’ve ever participated in, thanks to everyone’s support and sharing. Even though no one is watching, I feel so accountable and want to hang in there with you all! All the tiny changes have been adding up and I'm having so much fun doing it!"-Amanda J
Let’s make 2022 one of the best years of your life!