If you had to grade yourself today – right now! – on your eating and nutrition skills, would you get an A, B, C … or …?
(haha: I’m talking about “healthy” eating here, for the record.)
Most of us think of eating/nutrition as something we should just automatically KNOW about …
… or we even label them as virtues.
EXAMPLE: I can’t even count how many times clients have told me they have been “good” or “bad” when it comes to food.
But there really ARE skills involved – things like meal planning, grocery shopping, meal prep (aka cooking!), knowing which foods fill you up, which ones make you feel hungry, etc.
Understanding portion sizes is also a skill.
Some of us were never taught these things growing up! Or we’ve been taught so many conflicting things, it’s hard to know WHAT to believe.
Focusing on building these skills is a GREAT mindset switch.
It is empowering (vs. restricting) because it’s not about deprivation – it’s about creating a healthy and fit lifestyle that you actually enjoy.
A few more learnable skills (obviously this depends on your goals & lifestyle):
- Finding 3-4 breakfast options that taste great and keep you filled up till lunchtime (This is a yummy, healthy choice Plant-base Meal Replacement)
- Knowing how to meal prep during busy weeks
- Protein: understanding how to make sure you’re getting enough for your goals
- Veggies: finding ways to work them into your meals (most of us don’t eat enough of them!) One scoop of these greens fills in the gaps and supports healthy gut, immune system, and natural energy! https://m.lfstps.com/Tt5G2/Wipqa
- Getting great at once-weekly grocery shopping (& streamlining it so you can get in and out fast)
- Discovering snacks that satisfy you AND don’t derail your progress
Taking time to master these kinds of skills will move you closer to your goals … and give you a foundation that will last you a lifetime. I'm here to help on your wellness journey! Reach out with any questions.
Just something to think about!
If you need assistance in this area, my 28-Day Total Body Transformation gives you a simple blueprint for eating healthy, prepping for the week, and setting you up for success! Learn more HERE.
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
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If you could call out the #1 enemy of your goals, what would it be?
There are so many to choose from:
- Not having enough time
- Lack of support
- Not knowing what to do
- Your genetics
- Pizza
The list goes on and on!
But what if I told you that none of those things are actually your enemy. (Seriously!)
That’s because … drumroll … the number one thing standing in between you and your goals is:
We can ALL get in our own way from time to time.
Here are just a few ways we let it happen:
- You haven’t made reaching your goals a true priority. This means you let your healthy habits slide when you’re stressed/tired/something more fun comes along.
- You have imposter syndrome. You don’t think you are worthy of your goals, which makes it easier to quit.
- You haven’t set yourself up for success. It’s super easy to get discouraged and quit when you don’t have a plan, support, accountability, etc.
- You think you don’t have the willpower. EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) struggles from time to time. But when you know WHY your goal matters to you, it’s easier to overcome those struggles.
- You let one “slip” derail you. No one is perfect 24/7. The people who reach their goals get up after a slip-up, dust themselves off, figure out what went wrong, and get back at it!
Those are 5 self-sabotaging behaviors off the top of my head. There are dozens more.
BUT… knowing yourself and being aware of the ways that YOU tend to get in your own way, will help you to become even STRONGER.
What would happen if the next time you slipped up, you took some real time to think about the reasons why – without beating yourself up for it? (Self-reflection is powerful)
“Know that you are your greatest enemy, but also your greatest friend.” – Jeremy Taylor.
Your mindset makes all the difference.
Taking some real time to explore it – whether you do it by journaling, working with a coach, or talking with a trusted mentor or friend – can help you reconnect with the reasons your goals matter to you.
Because when your mindset is right, you can overcome just about any obstacle that is standing in your way!
You CAN do this!
If you need some guidance reach out and let's see if one of my programs fits for you.
If you are local in the Santa Rosa Beach area I have two awesome events this week. My monthly Release, Renew & Reconnect Bonfire on Friday and a Pamper Yourself Ladies night on Thursday. Here's more info: https://colleenriddle.com/events
I'm also leading a "Live, Llama & Prosper" online event. We will be teaching simple, daily wellness tips to support your mood, energy, muscles, digestion and overall wellbeing. In 12 days you will have the confidence and knowledge to better support yourself every day moving forward! It's free to participate; all you need are these essential oils 12 powerful essential oils. Reach out with any questions.
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

My husband cooks 98% of our meals (yes, I’m a VERY lucky woman)! One of my goals is to cook a little more often and try new, healthy meals. This turned out awesome, and it was so easy.
Side note, usually when I try to surprise my husband with cooking, I screw it up, LOL (burning something, undercooking something, too bland, etc).

If you are like me, OR if you are an expert in the kitchen, try this yummy recipe!
Just chop up the veggies and whisk together the sauce – and you’ll have a delicious teriyaki-style dinner in less than 30 minutes.
(For a heartier meal, serve this with rice or quinoa).
Cashew-Shrimp Sheet Pan Dinner
(serves 4)
• 12 oz (340 g) broccoli florets
• 1 diced bell pepper
• 1 medium sweet onion, chopped
• 2 Tbsp avocado oil
• 2-3 pinches each of sea salt and pepper
• 2 Tbsp coconut or liquid aminos
• 2 Tbsp orange juice (I used 10 drops YL Orange Essential Oil)
• Dash of hot sauce
• 1 lb (450 g) peeled and deveined large shrimp (fresh or thawed from frozen)
• ¾ cup (90 g) raw cashews
Preheat your oven to 400ºF/200ºC and line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, toss together the broccoli, bell pepper, and onion with the oil, salt, and pepper. Pour onto the sheet pan and place in the oven, and roast for 10-12 minutes.
While that’s cooking, prepare your sauce. In a small bowl, whisk together the aminos, orange juice, and hot sauce.
Remove the vegetables from the oven and add the shrimp and cashews to the sheet pan. Drizzle the pan contents with the sauce and stir to combine. Place back in the oven and roast until the shrimp are cooked through, 5-7 minutes.
Remove from the oven and serve. DELICIOUS!

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A few years ago, whenever I got stressed and too busy I used to do this thing that blows my mind now.
I used to be in the “ignore it and push through it” club. By that I mean, I’d take the stress/overwork hit, but just keep going.
I’d tell myself: “I’ll deal with this later.”
And I was super proud of myself – because you know what? I could take it.
But even though I was able to handle the actual work … I didn’t always manage the stress.
Well … guess what?
Eventually, one way or another, you end up having to deal with it.
You can end up getting sick, having headaches, getting injured, or feeling burned out.
If you’re also in the “push through it” club … you may want to consider jumping over into the “self-care club” instead … because that’s where the real power is.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have a pass on your responsibilities … it just means you’re listening to your body and managing your stress levels along the way.
Here are 7 things you can do to help you not only stay on track… but do it in a more sustainable way:
- Take a breath.
When you’re stressed/busy, taking just a few minutes for controlled, mindful breathing can help your body’s stress control system do its job. I use essential oils paired with deep breathing and it's like magic. - Move your body.
This is one of the best stress-relievers out there! Exercise works on a hormonal level to help you feel calmer, less stressed, and more relaxed. - Get a new perspective.
Studies show that spending time in nature (just a few minutes) can help cut stress. - Upgrade your nutrition & hydration.
Stress can make you crave high-calorie foods that contain a LOT of sugar and fat. This can make you feel tired, blah, and sluggish. Upgrade your choices to include nutrient-dense whole foods that help you feel better. Adding a shot of NingXia Red can help support blood sugar levels as well as provide massive antioxidants. - Make time for recovery (aka sleep).
When you sleep, your body is helping you recover from yesterday so you can be rejuvenated to tackle tomorrow. Make sure to go to bed early enough so you can get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. - Build a support network.
Having people around you (in-person or virtually) who hold you accountable is everything! (Our FB group can be a good place to start: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wellnesswithcolleen/ ) - Feed your mind.
Make sure you get a steady diet of positive input – whether it’s listening to inspiring podcasts and audiobooks, reading self-development books, or learning about fitness & wellness … it can keep you motivated and moving forward. Also try meditating for at least 5 minutes a day.
It’s the little things you do every day that will have the biggest impact on your energy, resilience, fitness, and health! I'd love to hear if you do any of these tips OR if you are going to try a specific one.
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Controversy alert! I’m going to say something you won’t hear from a lot of personal trainers.
I hope it gets you fired up – especially if you’ve been struggling.
I know you’re busy juggling a ton of day-to-day responsibilities …
And at the same time, your wellness goals are really important to you.
After a while, you can start to feel like a failure if you aren’t “crushing it” every day.
In our culture, we’re all about GO BIG or GO HOME … NO PAIN/NO GAIN … ALL-IN, 24/7.
Guess what?
That mindset doesn’t work over the long run. Or maybe ever.
It just leads to feeling burned out, exhausted, and like you have failed (again).
What if instead there was a SMARTER, more EFFICIENT way?
Well, I’m here to tell you there is.
In a nutshell, that’s doing as little as possible to get the most results.
It’s also the most sustainable way to create REAL CHANGE in your fitness and health!
(Note: this doesn’t mean you can’t go through short “go hard or go home” periods where you are super focused. But these periods should be balanced with less intense periods, too.)
Here’s a sample of what the least effective dose can look like:
- Fewer workouts, focused on what really moves you forward
- Shorter, more targeted workouts
- Or fewer AND shorter well-designed workouts
- Concentrating on the 3-4 healthy habits with the biggest payoffs
- Knowing what convenience foods are actually good for you vs trying to make every meal from scratch.
There are SO MANY REASONS and SEASONS to try the “minimum effective dose” method:
- When you’re feeling stressed
- When you have a lot of responsibilities
- When you don’t have a lot of time
- When you’re just starting out … or coming back after a layoff
- When you’ve just completed a big event (like a marathon)
- When you’re coming back after an illness or injury
What exactly the “minimum dose” looks like can depend on a lot of variables – your gender, age, health/fitness status, likes and dislikes, available time, and on and on.
—> The key is, it shouldn’t feel like a burden or a drain … and it should deliver real, quantifiable results.
It can take some experimentation, but it’s definitely worth it!
Working with a qualified professional can help you find that sweet spot – so you can still get everything you need done in a day … AND get amazing results in your fitness/wellness.
At Elite Physique, I help my clients rediscover wellness and create longterm, sustainable healthy lifestyles. Check out my 28-Day Program that will give you a blueprint to success. I also have a few personal training slots available if you are are interested, reach out.
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!