Are you ready for the secret to body transformation success? (This secret actually contributes to almost EVERY kind of success.)
It’s that the BASICS will get you (at least) 90% of the results you are looking for!
The quality & quantity of foods you eat … how much & what kind of movement you do every day … how much sleep you get … how much stress you’re under.
They all add up to SUCCESS.
“The big secret in life is there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.” – Oprah Winfrey.
The best thing about all of this is this: every single one of the basics impacts the OTHER basics.
They work synergistically to not only help you FEEL BETTER, but also reach your goals.
This is what I’m talking about (just one example!):
- When your nutrition is dialed in …
- You have more energy to exercise, which helps
- Boost your mood and relieve stress, which makes it easier to
- Get a good night of sleep, which helps
- Balance important hormones that help you stay feeling full & satisfied, which
- Makes it easier to keep your nutrition on-track.
- And around it goes!
Getting your basics in line helps you feel vibrant, focused, refreshed, and motivated.
In fact, if you’re NOT feeling those things, it’s a sign that at least one of your “basics” is out of whack.
What steps can you take TODAY to cover your basics?
It really does make all the difference – especially when you’re at a sticking point in your program.
If you are ready to make your results a reality, I’m here to help with a proven program. And of course, I help you to really nail those basics! My 28-Day Total Body Transformation Challenge starts Monday, May 3rd. It’s guaranteed to get you feeling great (literally I have 100% money back guarantee!)! You’ll get accountability, daily emails to keep you on track, proven workouts for success, full meal plans, delicious recipes, and more. You deserve it….click HERE to register and use coupon code “Iamready” to get your 10% off discount! This one decision can help you feel energized and strong headed into Summer!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
Did you know that we are actually in charge of our attitude every day? Some days when I'm in a funk, or grumpy, I remind myself that I have the power to shift my energy and attitude at any time. I just have to decide. One great way to do this is beginning your day with rituals. Things you do every morning that help set the stage for an incredible, happy day! Here are a few ideas.
1. Gratitude: Before you get out of bed think of 10 things you are grateful for. It could be that you have a warm cozy bed to sleep in. It could be your fur baby that's snuggled beside you. Or if you are really tired and can't think of much because you really don't want to get out of that warm bed, be grateful you have feet that will hit the floor, eyes that you can open, and the roof over your head. Sounds simple, but can really be profound.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast: Filling your body with clean nutrients will power you through your morning. Mentally, it feels awesome to know that you are making a decision to fuel your body with the power it deserves.
3. Personal Development/Meditation: I notice a huge difference in my attitude when I make the time to read or meditate. If you aren't a reader, there are great books on audible. I love listening to books while I'm driving around. Podcasts are another great option. One of my favorite ones is "The Quote of the Day." Most are about 10 minutes, and the speakers are always inspiring and give a great message!
4. Practice visualization: Personally, it helps set the tone for my day. The visualization piece is huge for me because it reminds me of my "why," and motivates me to kick ass because I'm on a mission! You can even break it down and visualize how you want your day to go. Have an important meeting? Visualize the way you want it to go! Seriously, this works. A great book to help you learn the art of visualization is, Mach II with your Hair on Fire by Richard Brooke.
Yours in health,
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!