Just popping in with a little check-in!
How are you doing today?
How did you sleep last night … have you gotten in any workouts this week … are you focusing on whole foods … and how is your mood?
I’m asking because all of that is RELATED.
When just one of those things is out of whack, it can throw everything else out of whack right along with it!
- A bad night of sleep can throw your hunger hormones out of balance, making you feel hungry … even if you’ve eaten enough
- A stressful day can leave you exhausted and craving comfort foods (and tempt you to skip your workout)
- Lack of activity can drain your energy and also leave you tossing and turning
- Eating too close to bedtime can make it hard to sleep
- And on and on and on!
So … if you’re having one of “those days” … try taking a step back to look at the bigger picture – and then take ONE ACTION to help you feel better (and get back on track).
Some ideas:
- Go outside for a brisk walk and fresh air – or make time for a workout
- Take 5-10 minutes to sit in a quiet space and do breathing exercises (I grab a favorite essential oil to enhance this)
- Make sure your next meal is healthy & made of whole foods (including veggies!)
- Double-check your water intake for the day
This can be like hitting the “reset” button on your day and will help you make better choices moving forward.
What’s ONE action you can count on to RESET your day? Keep this in your back pocket in case you need it! Message me if you use one of these this week!
Having a “big picture” viewpoint can make all the difference in your fitness/wellness – and it’s just ONE REASON why working with an experienced coach can help you get the results you want!
Not only will you have a complete roadmap to success, but also the accountability, support, motivation, and experience to help you feel great every step of the way.
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Have you ever gone through a time in your life when you felt “in the flow?"
Wasn’t it GREAT?
You had a TON of energy, your sleep was on track, you felt productive, and you were positive and optimistic. Not to get woo-woo ... but you felt “in sync.”
Chances are, one big reason was that your body was running in its natural rhythm – basically, following your body clock. And it turns out there’s nothing woo-woo about it.
I have a quick and powerful tip to get back to that feeling if you’ve lost it.
But first, it’s important to remember that our bodies CRAVE routine. Especially healthy routines!
When you’re NOT following your body clock, you can feel fuzzy, unfocused, and tired.
You can also feel hungry … even when you’re not.
Over the long run, it can spell disaster for your health. It can affect:
- Your heart health
- Your metabolism
- Your digestion
- Your skin
- Your body’s ability to repair DNA damage, and
- So much more!
PLUS … disruptions in your body clock (aka circadian rhythm) are linked with obesity, diabetes, and mental health issues.
This month, I’m going to focus on ways you can upgrade your daily & nightly routines to feel more “in the flow’ … and get those results you’re working so hard for!
And if you’re not working hard for them YET … it can help you finally find the energy to make them a reality.
I want to start with ONE TIP that can go a long way toward helping your body clock get into sync.
Your body’s “clock” is actually located in your brain’s hypothalamus, right above where the nerves of your eyes cross.
It’s made up of thousands of nerve cells that sync your body’s functions and sleep-wake cycle through hormones and other signals.
→ One MAJOR thing that affects it is LIGHT. (A clue we’re meant to sleep at night: we don’t have night vision like most nocturnal animals.)
Light and darkness trigger a LOT of different actions in your hypothalamus.
So … the tip is to GET SOME NATURAL LIGHT during the day!
GO OUTSIDE. And even better, while you’re out there, go for a 20-30 minute walk … which is another way to help tune up your body clock.
And this is just the start … I’ve got great strategies coming your way soon on how to accelerate your results by tapping into the power of your own body.
But for now ...
Make it an amazing (and light-filled) day :-). And if you haven't grabbed my latest eBook & Workbook, "Good Morning & Good Evening Rituals" grab it for free HERE!
Ready to take your results to the next level? Today we start the 28-Day Total Body Transformational Challenge. It's not too late to join us! By this time next month you can have more energy, feel great in your jeans, and have new habits for your health!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

I want to talk about a “feel-good” topic that’s finally becoming a mainstream trend.
It’s BODY POSITIVITY … which basically means loving your body right this very minute – without any ifs, ands, or buts.
Because, frankly, your body is a miracle!
It deserves your care and respect because it works so hard to support you each and every day.
And one of the BEST things you can do to show your body that love and support is to MOVE it – regularly and intentionally. That’s why this month we’re taking a deep dive into all the wonders of MOVEMENT and how it impacts pretty much EVERY aspect of your life!
When you exercise regularly, your body just plain FEELS and FUNCTIONS better from the inside out.
BONUS: You do NOT have to spend hours a week working out to get these payoffs.
Here’s a list of just some of the many benefits:
- A longer life because you are less likely to die early from chronic disease.
- Less risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers (including colon, breast, lung, and uterine).
- Better mood, less stress and anxiety, and improved mental health.
- Improved brain health (both the structure AND how it functions).
- Stronger bones and muscles.
- Better sleep (both quality and quantity).
- More satisfying sex life.
- Lower risk of falling down.
- Improved weight control.
- Easier time quitting smoking.
Doesn’t your amazing body deserve all that!? (ANSWER: Yes it does!)
I’ve got a LOT of great info coming your way over the next couple of weeks, including the answers to some of my most-asked questions! (If you don't follow me on Social Media, that's where I post a lot of extra tips and ideas.....Instagram: @wellnesswithcolleen FB: https://www.facebook.com/ColleenRiddle/)
But I have a question for YOU first: What is your biggest fitness / movement / health-related goal right now? Email me back and let me know!
Make it an amazing day!
P.S. If you haven't downloaded my free Time Crunch eBook, here's where you grab it. I put together a full book on tips and workouts ranging from 5 minutes-20minutes. https://colleenriddle.com/landing/time-crunch-workouts
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

🔥Hot topic alert today! It’s all about getting a GREAT NIGHT OF SLEEP😴 !
One of the top things that can get in the way of your fitness results … is getting enough quality sleep. It can affect your mood, stress, appetite, and recovery … among many other things!
In keeping with our “clean it up” approach to sleep, I want to talk about simple upgrades you can make to streamline your nighttime routine that can actually help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer!
Here are some science-backed tips from the National Institutes of Health:
- Keep your evening routine simple – go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Your body loves having a regular daily rhythm and routine!
- Don’t work out within 2-3 hours of bedtime. This can leave you feeling “revved up” and make it harder to fall asleep.
- Don’t eat close to bedtime, and steer clear of alcohol after dinner. Alcohol might help you fall asleep, but you can get stuck in the “light sleep” phase all night.
- No afternoon/evening caffeine. Did you know it can take 8 hours for caffeine to clear your system?
- Check your meds & herbal home remedies. Some meds (especially for coughs, colds, and allergies) contain ingredients that stimulate your system.
- Take a hot bath or shower before bed. When your body temp drops afterward, it can help you feel sleepy.
- Stay away from blue light from TV, phone, or other devices within a couple hours of bedtime. If you do use a device, install a blue light filter (tip: check your tablet/phone to see if there’s one already built-in).
- Spruce up your bedroom. Make sure it’s uncluttered and free from distractions – lights, noises, etc. – and that your bedding is comfortable. Sleeping in a clutter-free zone can make a surprisingly big difference.
- Make a to-do list for tomorrow. Write down anything you’re worried about forgetting overnight as a quick reminder, and place it far away from your nightstand (so you don’t have to think about it anymore). This is HUGE for me!
- Use a diffuser in y our room. This was a game changer for me. I add lavender essential oil in the diffuser and rub it on the bottom of my feet. This is what made me a believer in the power of essential oils!
Cleaning up your nighttime routine can go a LONG way toward improving your sleep...
But there are things you can do earlier in the day that can help, too. Two big items:
- Get some sunshine & fresh air during the day, if at all possible.
- Make sure to get in intentional movement (i.e., exercise) most days of the week!
When you get a good night of sleep, it can set you up for having a great day. Plus, it’s good for your overall recovery and wellness!
As a side note, please check out my new, updated website: www.ColleenRiddle.com. Make sure and check out the Resource Library for any freebies you might have missed to support your wellness journey!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

💡Q: Does it REALLY matter whether I get 7-8 hours of sleep every night?
A: The answer is …. YES!
⭐We’ve all heard the popular hustle-and-grind saying: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
But you’ll actually get MORE done – and do it better! – if you get enough sleep. PLUS, you’ll feel better doing it.
✅Here’s a quick rundown of WHY sleep is important:
- Your brain forms new pathways to help your memory while you sleep.
- Being rested helps you control your emotions and behavior.
- It improves your recovery from workouts.
- It keeps your hormones balanced (including those that control stress, blood sugar control, and food cravings).
- Plus, it triggers the release of growth hormone, which helps your body build muscle and repair cells.
- Getting too little sleep (in the long term) is linked with a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and kidney disease.
- Getting too little sleep increases the risk of obesity.
- Your immune system performs better when you are rested.
- Getting enough quality sleep helps you be more productive and efficient during the day.
As you can see, your body isn’t asleep on the job when you’re sleeping – it’s actually working hard to keep you healthy, strong, and productive!
How many hours of sleep did YOU get last night? Drop a comment!
Yours in health,
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!