Boost your workout with this one simple tip!

Boost your workout with this one simple tip!
🔥Ready for a quick tip for boosting your workout results that works for ALL levels?!
It can improve your fitness, rev up your calorie burn, AND can also help you break out of a plateau if your results are stalling.  
💪It’s INTERVAL TRAINING – and even though it sounds intense, you don’t have to be a seasoned exerciser to add it into your routine.
💡PLUS – it has all the potential health benefits of regular workouts:
● Improve cardiovascular fitness
● Lower your heart rate and blood pressure
● Reduce blood sugar levels
✅One of the easiest ways to experiment with interval training is to simply add in a few bursts of higher intensity work during your regular cardio workouts. 
If you’re walking, pick up the pace for 30-60 seconds, and then slow back down to your normal “moderate” pace to recover, and repeat. 
⏱A good ratio to shoot for is 2:1 of intense to easier work. That would translate to picking up the pace for 30 seconds and then slowing down for 15 seconds.
I design my strength training workouts with bursts of cardio in between weights (like Kettlebell swings, High Knees, Skater Hops, etc).
And there’s even MORE good news – if you’re adding intensity to your workouts, you don’t have to work out as long!

If you want effective, fun, and quick workouts plus an entire 28-Day meal plan, 67 recipes, accountability coaching, dining out guide, daily inspirational emails and more, join my 28-Day Total Body Transformational Challenge starting May 3rd! Check it out HERE!
Do you already do interval training? 
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How important is sleep?

How important is sleep?
💡Q: Does it REALLY matter whether I get 7-8 hours of sleep every night?
A: The answer is …. YES!
⭐We’ve all heard the popular hustle-and-grind saying: “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
But you’ll actually get MORE done – and do it better! – if you get enough sleep. PLUS, you’ll feel better doing it.
Here’s a quick rundown of WHY sleep is important:
  • Your brain forms new pathways to help your memory while you sleep.
  • Being rested helps you control your emotions and behavior.
  • It improves your recovery from workouts.
  • It keeps your hormones balanced (including those that control stress, blood sugar control, and food cravings). 
  • Plus, it triggers the release of growth hormone, which helps your body build muscle and repair cells.
  • Getting too little sleep (in the long term) is linked with a higher risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and kidney disease.
  • Getting too little sleep increases the risk of obesity.
  • Your immune system performs better when you are rested.
  • Getting enough quality sleep helps you be more productive and efficient during the day. 
As you can see, your body isn’t asleep on the job when you’re sleeping – it’s actually working hard to keep you healthy, strong, and productive!
How many hours of sleep did YOU get last night? Drop a comment! 

Yours in health,

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Poop 💩 on your shoes?

Poop 💩 on your shoes?
💥 Hate to break it to you but …
… if you wear your shoes out of the house, there’s a good chance there’s poop on them. 💩
Even if you never knowingly step in it!
Pretty gross. This is why it’s a good idea to think about going shoe-free in your house! (Preferably beginning in your entryway.)
Get this: scientists had people wear brand-new shoes for two weeks and then they sampled the shoes for bacteria.
The transfer rate of bacteria from shoes to clean tiles ranges from 90% to 99%!!! 😳
Other studies have found a wide range of harmful bacteria on shoes, ranging from E. coli and C. diff to those linked with pneumonia … not to mention pesticides and other chemicals.

I have not had this policy in our house, but after discovering this information, I am going to start! I always say, "Know better do better!" Just like I wasn't aware of all the hidden chemicals in my home and personal care products until it was brought to my attention. We don't know what we don't know! 
👉Do you have a shoe-free policy in your home? Are you going to start!? Share with me!!

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Healthy & Delicious Shamrock ☘️ Shake

Healthy & Delicious Shamrock ☘️ Shake

You’re in luck – check out this delicious healthy Shamrock Shake recipe, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day!
● 1 cup creamy oat milk (or cashew or almond)
● 1-2 handful of baby spinach 
● ½ large frozen banana, sliced (I prefer half an avocado 🥑)
● ¼ tsp pure peppermint extract (or 1 drop YL Vitality Peppermint Essential Oil)
● Sprinkle of cacao nibs
● OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
● OPTIONAL: ¼ cup of Greek yogurt and/or 1 tbsp honey
Pour the oat milk into a high-speed blender and add the spinach. Blitz until well combined and then add the banana, peppermint extract, and optional ingredients. Blend until smooth. Pour into a tall glass over ice, and sprinkle with the cacao nibs. Yum!
Let us know if you make this...or if you change up the ingredients share with us!👇👇🍀🍀

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What's Lurking in your Lipstick💄?

An FDA study in 2010 found lead in 400 lipsticks at levels up to 7.19 ppm (parts per million). Lead can pose serious health risks, including neurological effects, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, and reproductive toxicity. 
It is so harmful that the government banned it from house paint in 1978 and from gasoline in 1996. However, it is still found in many cosmetics and some packaged food! Lead does not show up on ingredient labels, and it has been found in a wide range of lipsticks—from cheap brands to luxury brands.
There’s lead in most lipstick but that is not disclosed on product labels because (similar to why asbestos isn’t disclosed in baby powder) the toxic lead was not “intentionally” added to the product.
 The FDA found the highest lead levels in lipsticks made by three manufacturers…Read more here:
This is why I only use Young Living’s Savvy Minerals Lipstick, Lip gloss, and Lip balm!
Don’t stress! You can still feel beautiful wearing bright lipstick without lead or harsh chemicals! Savvy Minerals by Young Living® Lipsticks is formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, bismuth, talc, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic colorants!

Below are the ingredients used in some of the formulas and why:

Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by cold pressing castor beans. It was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks for a wide variety of uses. In India, castor oil has been prized for its skin-supporting properties. Castor oil is commonly used in cosmetic products such as creams, moisturizers, and hair care products.

Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes. The seeds are loaded with powerful antioxidants.
Beeswax is the purified wax from honeycombs. Female worker honey bees of the genus Apis produce the natural beeswax. Bees fly 150,000 miles to yield 1 pound of beeswax. Beeswax is used as a binder and provides a rich emollient to creams, which is especially good for dry skin.

The candelilla plant belongs to the Euphorbia species. It is a flowering plant that has a similar appearance to cacti, but it has milky latex. Candelilla wax serves as a protective seal for the plant and helps it retain moisture. Candelilla wax helps increase the thickness of the oils in the lipsticks, giving them structure, allowing for a smooth application, and keeping them solid.

Vitamin E is great for the skin and helps maintain the appearance of healthy, youthful-looking skin. 

Sunflower Seed Oil
 is commonly used in cosmetic products, and it includes palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid.

Jojoba seed oil: Jojoba helps protect the skin and helps it maintain its natural moisture. It’s one of the reasons why the lipsticks will glide on your lips smoothly without leaving greasy residue.

Coconut oil: This is a very popular ingredient in cosmetics and beauty products for its antioxidant and conditioning properties and for helping the skin stay protected from drying. Who doesn’t love coconut oil?!

Shea butter: Obtained from the fruit of a tree native to Africa, shea has become a favorite to not only the natives but to everyone who uses it. It is composed of rich fatty acids that condition and nourish skin, hair, and nails. This is why natives have used it for centuries in everything from homemade ointments to hair treatments and body butters.

Plus, the beautiful, bright shades come from the minerals, not synthetic dyes or colors!

What is your favorite lipstick color? Drop a comment👇🏻👇🏻!

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