Get your body back in the "Flow"

Get your body back in the "Flow"
Have you ever gone through a time in your life when you felt “in the flow?"
Wasn’t it GREAT?
You had a TON of energy, your sleep was on track, you felt productive, and you were positive and optimistic. Not to get woo-woo ... but you felt “in sync.”
Chances are, one big reason was that your body was running in its natural rhythm – basically, following your body clock. And it turns out there’s nothing woo-woo about it.
I have a quick and powerful tip to get back to that feeling if you’ve lost it.
But first, it’s important to remember that our bodies CRAVE routine. Especially healthy routines!
When you’re NOT following your body clock, you can feel fuzzy, unfocused, and tired. 
You can also feel hungry … even when you’re not. 
Over the long run, it can spell disaster for your health. It can affect:
  • Your heart health
  • Your metabolism
  • Your digestion
  • Your skin
  • Your body’s ability to repair DNA damage, and
  • So much more! 
PLUS … disruptions in your body clock (aka circadian rhythm) are linked with obesity, diabetes, and mental health issues.
This month, I’m going to focus on ways you can upgrade your daily & nightly routines to feel more “in the flow’ … and get those results you’re working so hard for!
And if you’re not working hard for them YET … it can help you finally find the energy to make them a reality.
I want to start with ONE TIP that can go a long way toward helping your body clock get into sync. 
Your body’s “clock” is actually located in your brain’s hypothalamus, right above where the nerves of your eyes cross. 
It’s made up of thousands of nerve cells that sync your body’s functions and sleep-wake cycle through hormones and other signals.
→ One MAJOR thing that affects it is LIGHT. (A clue we’re meant to sleep at night: we don’t have night vision like most nocturnal animals.)
Light and darkness trigger a LOT of different actions in your hypothalamus.
So … the tip is to GET SOME NATURAL LIGHT during the day! 
GO OUTSIDE. And even better, while you’re out there, go for a 20-30 minute walk … which is another way to help tune up your body clock.
And this is just the start … I’ve got great strategies coming your way soon on how to accelerate your results by tapping into the power of your own body. 
But for now ...
Make it an amazing (and light-filled) day :-). And if you haven't grabbed my latest eBook & Workbook, "Good Morning & Good Evening Rituals" grab it for free HERE!

Ready to take your results to the next level? Today we start the 28-Day Total Body Transformational Challenge. It's not too late to join us! By this time next month you can have more energy, feel great in your jeans, and have new habits for your health!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Why “hustle & grind” doesn’t get you the results you want

Why “hustle & grind” doesn’t get you the results you want
Here’s something you might be surprised to know if your social media feed is anything like mine.
The “hustle and grind” is NOT the fastest path to your results. 
In fact, for some people, it’s a path to NOWHERE.
Especially if you have responsibilities … like a career, family, home, pets, etc.!
It’s true: the idea of “go hard or go home” might be exciting at first. 
But a few weeks later? Not so much.
This way of thinking can leave you feeling tired, sore, and worn out! All that stress can actually work AGAINST you.
There IS a better path.
  • Listening to your body’s cues
  • Making small, sustainable changes that add up to BIG results
  • Creating new healthy habits that actually support your lifestyle
  • Doing properly programmed workouts that help you reach your goals and GIVE you energy, not drain it
  • Eating the right combo of nutrient-dense foods that support your body’s needs AND goals (and doesn’t make you feel deprived)
  • Integrating lifestyle tweaks (sleep, stress management) that keep your hormones and body in balance. 
The best thing? It’s about building a healthy lifestyle that you can follow (and enjoy!) for years to come.
I can show you how I can help, just like we’ve helped hundreds of people to reach their wellness goals. 
My upcoming 28-Day Total Body Transformation Challenge is perfect if you've been wanting to make changes, but just don't know where to begin. You'll receive a step-by-step plan to create new habits that will stick. All done with my coaching and a supportive community of people just like you! We start September 13th. You can look up the details HERE or just reach out to chat. 
Looking forward to connecting,

Here's what one participant said about the 28-Day Challenge, "I love this challenge. I learned 
that even if I don't stick to the plan 100% of the time I can still lose weight. I am proud to announce that I have lost a total of 10lbs during this challenge. I'm well on my way to my wellness goals." Randi R.

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Upgrade your health....

Upgrade your health....
Have you ever gone on a trip and found out you’ve been UPGRADED?
Maybe it’s for a flight, car rental, or even your hotel room.
Everything feels like a treat … better seats, better ride, better sleep. 
Well … that’s what your body feels like when you UPGRADE your food choices.
When you STOP feeding it ultra-processed food and START giving it food that’s flooded with benefits (more fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc.), your body feels like it got an upgrade!
Basically, it’s all about SWAPPING out things that block you from your results … 
and replacing them with foods that move you closer to your goals!
Here are just a few examples of upgrade swaps to try:
Chips → Nuts
Why upgrade? Potato chips contain very little in the way of positive benefits for your results or your health. They’re high in sodium, usually contain unhealthy fats, and their refined carbs can send your blood sugar up.
Meanwhile, nuts contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats, fiber, and micronutrients your body needs.
Fun fact: people who regularly eat nuts are 14% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease and 20% percent less likely to develop coronary heart disease!
TIP: Portion control is everything. One serving of nuts equals about 1 oz., or about ¼ cup (38 grams). Savor each and every bite!
Cookies/Cakes/etc. → Dark chocolate
Why upgrade? You’re swapping out all the unhealthy refined ingredients (sugar, white flour, unhealthy fats) … and you’re replacing it with an ingredient that actually helps you!
The cocoa in chocolate contains flavanols, which (among other things) can help lower your blood pressure and improve how your blood vessels function.
Again, it’s all about moderation – 1 ounce (30 grams) equals 1 serving. 
Soda → Herbal Tea
Why upgrade? Most of us already get way too much added sugar. 
The American Heart Associates suggests that women get no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar (24 grams) a day, and men, 9 teaspoons (36 grams).
But ... get this!!!
A single 12-oz serving of soda contains 7-10 teaspoons of sugar. GROSS.
Not only that, but studies link diet soda to weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease.
Herbal teas are a MUCH better choice. Some (like chamomile) can help you relax, others (like peppermint) can energize you, and some just plain taste great! I also drink my Ningxia Red daily. I like to mix with club soda for a boost of natural energy and massive antioxidants!
Steak → Salmon
Why upgrade? You’re swapping out saturated fats for healthier fats that protect your health.
Steaks, burgers, and hot dogs are all high in saturated fat that can raise your level of LDL (“lousy”) cholesterol that’s linked with heart disease.
But fatty fish like salmon and albacore tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which most of us don’t eat enough of. These healthy fats lower how much fat is in your blood and cut back on plaque buildup in your arteries.
Pasta/Rice/Potatoes → Veggies ... Especially Green Veggies!
Why upgrade? For starters, most of us don’t eat nearly enough veggies. 
If your diet is heavy on starchy carbs (like pasta, rice, or potatoes), one of the easiest ways to get more is to swap out a serving (or 2!) for vegetables.
Starchy carbs contain a lot of calories for how many nutrients they contain. Plus, they can raise your blood sugar.
By swapping in veggies instead, you can boost your micronutrient intake AND reduce inflammation that contributes to disease. 

TIP: To add a little more snazz to your veggies, experiment with the recipes in my Tasty Sauces, Marinades & Salad Dressings Recipe eBook! If you missed it, here's the link: 
As you can see, upgrading your food choices has nothing to do with deprivation. It’s all about foods that taste great … and have great benefits. 
Small changes really can make a big difference in your results, and in your life. 
PS: If you’re ready to create a real change in your life, let me help you kickstart your journey with my 28-Day Total Body Transformation Program. For less than a cup of coffee a day, you will get a proven success plan including meals, grocery lists, community support, workouts, coaching, and more! Check out the details here. Our next group starts September 13th!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Here's What's Blocking Your Results....

Here's What's Blocking Your Results....
This month I want to focus on one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you can do when it comes to getting ACTUAL results. 
And this one thing will also help:
  • Your health
  • Your workout/sports performance
  • Up your energy levels
  • Reduce painful joints
  • The quality of your skin and hair
  • Your heart
  • Your brain
  • How you feel now and into the future.
Big stuff, right?!
It has to do with what you EAT. If you've known me for a while, you've probably heard me say, "You can't out train a bad diet!"
Because there’s a direct line between your food intake and EVERY one of the things on that list (plus a lot more).
This isn’t groundbreaking news. But …
There might be something specific standing in your way of putting it into action.
FACT: There’s a type of food specifically engineered to make you crave more of it. 
And this food product is also crammed with some of the worst things for your body that you can eat: added sugars, unhealthy fats, salt, and loads of extra (empty!!!) calories.
→ It’s “Ultra-Processed Food” – cookies, chips, donuts, candy bars, sweetened cereals, sweetened granola bars, fried chicken, white bread, mashed potato flakes, etc. – and many scientists agree it’s ADDICTING
And even if it’s not ACTUALLY addicting, studies have found these “foods” stimulate the reward pathways in your brain the same way some drugs do.
So, not only is this “food” NOT GOOD for you, it makes you crave even MORE of it.
This is a huge area of research right now.
I put quotes around “food” because it actually bears very little resemblance to real food. It has basically been stripped of its nutrition (fiber and micronutrients).
I have a LOT of great info coming for you about these “foods” and shifting away from eating them.
BUT FIRST … it all starts with AWARENESS.
Start paying attention to what you’re craving (and what foods you are eating). Keep track! 
Write down what you’re craving, and also when. Documenting all of this will help you find patterns - and it’s also a great way to start taking back control.
So that’s your mini-assignment for the next few days – notice the who/what/when/where/why of any cravings you have. 
No judgment! Just pay attention and keep track. 
Are you up for it?! Email me back and let me know.
PS: Ready to take your results to the next level? Check out my  upcoming 28-Day Transformational Challenge. Begins Sept  7th... I can help you make it a reality!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

10 Benefits of Moving your Body!

10 Benefits of Moving your Body!
I want to talk about a “feel-good” topic that’s finally becoming a mainstream trend.
It’s BODY POSITIVITY … which basically means loving your body right this very minute – without any ifs, ands, or buts.
Because, frankly, your body is a miracle!
It deserves your care and respect because it works so hard to support you each and every day.
And one of the BEST things you can do to show your body that love and support is to MOVE it – regularly and intentionally. That’s why this month we’re taking a deep dive into all the wonders of MOVEMENT and how it impacts pretty much EVERY aspect of your life!
When you exercise regularly, your body just plain FEELS and FUNCTIONS better from the inside out.
BONUS: You do NOT have to spend hours a week working out to get these payoffs.
Here’s a list of just some of the many benefits:
  1. A longer life because you are less likely to die early from chronic disease. 
  2. Less risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers (including colon, breast, lung, and uterine).
  3. Better mood, less stress and anxiety, and improved mental health.
  4. Improved brain health (both the structure AND how it functions).
  5. Stronger bones and muscles.
  6. Better sleep (both quality and quantity).
  7. More satisfying sex life.
  8. Lower risk of falling down.
  9. Improved weight control.
  10.  Easier time quitting smoking. 
Doesn’t your amazing body deserve all that!? (ANSWER: Yes it does!)
I’ve got a LOT of great info coming your way over the next couple of weeks, including the answers to some of my most-asked questions! (If you don't follow me on Social Media, that's where I post a lot of extra tips and ideas.....Instagram: @wellnesswithcolleen FB:
But I have a question for YOU first: What is your biggest fitness / movement / health-related goal right now? Email me back and let me know!
Make it an amazing day!

P.S. If you haven't downloaded my free Time Crunch eBook, here's where you grab it. I put together a full book on tips and workouts ranging from 5 minutes-20minutes.

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
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