Here's What's Blocking Your Results....

Here's What's Blocking Your Results....
This month I want to focus on one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you can do when it comes to getting ACTUAL results. 
And this one thing will also help:
  • Your health
  • Your workout/sports performance
  • Up your energy levels
  • Reduce painful joints
  • The quality of your skin and hair
  • Your heart
  • Your brain
  • How you feel now and into the future.
Big stuff, right?!
It has to do with what you EAT. If you've known me for a while, you've probably heard me say, "You can't out train a bad diet!"
Because there’s a direct line between your food intake and EVERY one of the things on that list (plus a lot more).
This isn’t groundbreaking news. But …
There might be something specific standing in your way of putting it into action.
FACT: There’s a type of food specifically engineered to make you crave more of it. 
And this food product is also crammed with some of the worst things for your body that you can eat: added sugars, unhealthy fats, salt, and loads of extra (empty!!!) calories.
→ It’s “Ultra-Processed Food” – cookies, chips, donuts, candy bars, sweetened cereals, sweetened granola bars, fried chicken, white bread, mashed potato flakes, etc. – and many scientists agree it’s ADDICTING
And even if it’s not ACTUALLY addicting, studies have found these “foods” stimulate the reward pathways in your brain the same way some drugs do.
So, not only is this “food” NOT GOOD for you, it makes you crave even MORE of it.
This is a huge area of research right now.
I put quotes around “food” because it actually bears very little resemblance to real food. It has basically been stripped of its nutrition (fiber and micronutrients).
I have a LOT of great info coming for you about these “foods” and shifting away from eating them.
BUT FIRST … it all starts with AWARENESS.
Start paying attention to what you’re craving (and what foods you are eating). Keep track! 
Write down what you’re craving, and also when. Documenting all of this will help you find patterns - and it’s also a great way to start taking back control.
So that’s your mini-assignment for the next few days – notice the who/what/when/where/why of any cravings you have. 
No judgment! Just pay attention and keep track. 
Are you up for it?! Email me back and let me know.
PS: Ready to take your results to the next level? Check out my  upcoming 28-Day Transformational Challenge. Begins Sept  7th... I can help you make it a reality!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

10 Benefits of Moving your Body!

10 Benefits of Moving your Body!
I want to talk about a “feel-good” topic that’s finally becoming a mainstream trend.
It’s BODY POSITIVITY … which basically means loving your body right this very minute – without any ifs, ands, or buts.
Because, frankly, your body is a miracle!
It deserves your care and respect because it works so hard to support you each and every day.
And one of the BEST things you can do to show your body that love and support is to MOVE it – regularly and intentionally. That’s why this month we’re taking a deep dive into all the wonders of MOVEMENT and how it impacts pretty much EVERY aspect of your life!
When you exercise regularly, your body just plain FEELS and FUNCTIONS better from the inside out.
BONUS: You do NOT have to spend hours a week working out to get these payoffs.
Here’s a list of just some of the many benefits:
  1. A longer life because you are less likely to die early from chronic disease. 
  2. Less risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers (including colon, breast, lung, and uterine).
  3. Better mood, less stress and anxiety, and improved mental health.
  4. Improved brain health (both the structure AND how it functions).
  5. Stronger bones and muscles.
  6. Better sleep (both quality and quantity).
  7. More satisfying sex life.
  8. Lower risk of falling down.
  9. Improved weight control.
  10.  Easier time quitting smoking. 
Doesn’t your amazing body deserve all that!? (ANSWER: Yes it does!)
I’ve got a LOT of great info coming your way over the next couple of weeks, including the answers to some of my most-asked questions! (If you don't follow me on Social Media, that's where I post a lot of extra tips and ideas.....Instagram: @wellnesswithcolleen FB:
But I have a question for YOU first: What is your biggest fitness / movement / health-related goal right now? Email me back and let me know!
Make it an amazing day!

P.S. If you haven't downloaded my free Time Crunch eBook, here's where you grab it. I put together a full book on tips and workouts ranging from 5 minutes-20minutes.

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Does multitasking make you snack more?

Does multitasking make you snack more?
I just HAD to share this with you, because when I read this, it completely blew my mind.
Have you ever … 
  • Attended a virtual meeting while you scrolled your phone for the latest headlines (or, ahem, checked your social media notifications)? 
  • Juggled two work projects at the exact same time because you thought you could do them in half the time?
  • Listened to a training/course/book while folding the laundry, cooking a meal, and/or caring for a family member?
  • Checked your email or phone several times in the middle of a project?
I'm totally guilty of all of the above!

It might seem like you’re streamlining your to-do list by tackling several things at once, but you can actually be cluttering your brain.  
This can lead to more mistakes, retaining less info, and actually changing how your brain works (not for the better).
In fact, multitasking on projects that require a lot of thought can make your IQ score dip the same way it does for people who stay up all night! 
Check this out: in one study, men who multitasked had their IQ drop 15 points … so that their score was the same as an average 8-year-old child.
This happens because of the way our brains function, according to researchers from the University of Southern California.
When you need to pay attention to something, your brain’s prefrontal cortex springs to action. It keeps your brain focused on a single goal while also working with other parts of your brain to help you finish the task.
And when you work on one task at a time, both sides of the prefrontal cortex work together in beautiful harmony.
BUT … if you try to focus on TWO TASKS at a time, the left and right sides each do their own thing.
You can see how this would make it hard for your brain to FOCUS … 
making it even harder to pay attention to the details and retain more info. Plus, researchers say it can cause THREE TIMES as many mistakes!
So, what is the solution? It works like a charm… and it also cuts down on stress – more on that in a sec.
The tip: Set a timer for 20-40 minutes and FOCUS ON ONE TASK. Then, take a mini 5-10 minute “intermission” break, and set the timer again for another period of focus.
BONUS BENEFIT ALERT … people who felt stressed while multitasking ate more unhealthy snacks, according to researchers.
This isn’t surprising, since stress is linked to food cravings!
Just something to think about. :-)

I believe it’s all connected. Healthy habits fuel a healthy lifestyle. If you need assistance in this area, reach out. Check out my updated website and see all the various ways I can champion you on your wellness journey. 
I use Peppermint Essential Oil to help me focus. Studies have shown it helps with focus and alertness in the brain.

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Powerful Checklist for Better Sleep! 😴

Powerful Checklist for Better Sleep! 😴
🔥Hot topic alert today! It’s all about getting a GREAT NIGHT OF SLEEP😴 !
One of the top things that can get in the way of your fitness results … is getting enough quality sleep. It can affect your mood, stress, appetite, and recovery … among many other things!
In keeping with our “clean it up” approach to sleep, I want to talk about simple upgrades you can make to streamline your nighttime routine that can actually help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer!
Here are some science-backed tips from the National Institutes of Health:
  • Keep your evening routine simple – go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Your body loves having a regular daily rhythm and routine!
  • Don’t work out within 2-3 hours of bedtime. This can leave you feeling “revved up” and make it harder to fall asleep.
  • Don’t eat close to bedtime, and steer clear of alcohol after dinner. Alcohol might help you fall asleep, but you can get stuck in the “light sleep” phase all night.
  • No afternoon/evening caffeine. Did you know it can take 8 hours for caffeine to clear your system?
  • Check your meds & herbal home remedies. Some meds (especially for coughs, colds, and allergies) contain ingredients that stimulate your system.
  • Take a hot bath or shower before bed. When your body temp drops afterward, it can help you feel sleepy.
  • Stay away from blue light from TV, phone, or other devices within a couple hours of bedtime. If you do use a device, install a blue light filter (tip: check your tablet/phone to see if there’s one already built-in).
  • Spruce up your bedroom. Make sure it’s uncluttered and free from distractions – lights, noises, etc. – and that your bedding is comfortable. Sleeping in a clutter-free zone can make a surprisingly big difference.
  • Make a to-do list for tomorrow. Write down anything you’re worried about forgetting overnight as a quick reminder, and place it far away from your nightstand (so you don’t have to think about it anymore). This is HUGE for me!
  • Use a diffuser in y our room. This was a game changer for me. I add lavender essential oil in the diffuser and rub it on the bottom of my feet. This is what made me a believer in the power of essential oils!
Cleaning up your nighttime routine can go a LONG way toward improving your sleep... 
But there are things you can do earlier in the day that can help, too. Two big items:
  • Get some sunshine & fresh air during the day, if at all possible.
  • Make sure to get in intentional movement (i.e., exercise) most days of the week! 
When you get a good night of sleep, it can set you up for having a great day. Plus, it’s good for your overall recovery and wellness!
As a side note, please check out my new, updated website: Make sure and check out the Resource Library for any freebies you might have missed to support your wellness journey!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

A Better Way to Detox....

A Better Way to Detox....
Everybody’s talking about doing “detoxes” and “cleanses” … but what does that really MEAN, anyway? And is it even a real thing?
I want to flip the script on that idea as we dive a little deeper into “cleaning it up” this month.
I had a big shift about this a long time ago that completely changed my perspective.
So … a lot of “detoxes” focus on eliminating toxins and getting rid of wastes that are in your body. 
Here’s the issue with that: Your body already has a complex and amazing built-in detox system, made up of your skin, lungs, kidneys, colon, and liver.
These organs all work together to filter out toxins and waste, and then help you get rid of them by sweating, through your breath, or when you’re in the bathroom. I still believe in a good cleanse/detox once or twice a year, but we can do so much in between!
FACT: If there’s a breakdown in this system, you probably should see a doctor!
BUT … what if the toxins in the foods you eat, the products you use on your body, or the chemicals in your environment start to overload your detox system, putting a lot of stress on it? 
It can get to the point where your body can’t keep up with eliminating them as fast as you absorb them, and they start to build up in your body. This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds.
Since we can’t actually SEE toxins, here’s a stat that can make it real:
Did you know that the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in their umbilical cord blood (this is according to the Environmental Working Group)? 😳
And the breakdown of those toxins includes 180 that cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 that are toxic to the brain/nervous system, and 208 that are linked with birth defects or development problems in animal research.
Talk about a toxic load!
What if instead of focusing on CLEANING OUT toxins from your body ... you did your best to avoid them in the first place?! 
That way, you’re “detoxing” your INPUT as much as possible, before it ever hits your system.
You can do that by upgrading the quality of what you feed your body and also what you surround it with. This will help reduce your overall toxic load. (I have a ton of info about this in my Clean It Up Challenge Guide.)
I’m talking about: 
  • Foods with fewer pesticides, antibiotics, contaminants, etc.
  • Personal care products with fewer known toxins
  • Staying away from plastic water and food storage containers
  • Using more green home care products 
With a little intention, you can lower the number of toxins you’re exposed to in the first place!
It’s a much more PROactive approach to your wellness.
So: I have a little bonus challenge for you today! One of the best things you can do to help your body’s detox system do its job is to DRINK WATER! (From a BPA-free container, obviously – and bonus points if it’s filtered water!)  
This helps your system flush out all those waste products.
Exactly how much water you need every day depends on (among other things) how active you are, any health issues you may have, and your size.
But as a general rule, shoot for at least half of your body weight in ounces (Ex: 150lbs shoot for 75 ounces of water). If you struggle drinking water try adding a drop or two of Young Living Vitality Essential Oils (my go-to is peppermintgrapefruitlemon, or lime)!
Track your intake today and post in the Facebook group!
It’s not the big things we do once in a while, but the small things we do CONSISTENTLY that bring results. Make sure and download my free 5-Day Clean It Up Challenge to give you a step-by-step guide to help removed the daily toxins!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
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