8 Ways to OWN IT!

8 Ways to OWN IT!

This month we’re focused on taking BIG ACTION toward our goals by doubling down on the one thing that will help you move the needle forward in a BIG WAY…

It’s taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (aka practicing resilience, mental toughness, or whatever you want to call it)!

These actions will step up your self-care game AND help you reach (& exceed) your health and fitness goals.

8 Ways to Own Your Outcome/Practice Personal Responsibility
  1. Hold yourself accountable. When you “own your outcome” and take personal responsibility for your life… your decisions, actions, and how you spend your time take on a whole new meaning.
So, when you tell yourself you are going to do something, DO IT. The more often you do this, the easier it gets… and the more progress you will make! 

  1. Ask for help if you need it. This is a big one because asking for help requires pushing your ego to the side so you can move forward, faster. 
  1. Don’t compare yourself to others. We all are born with different strengths, challenges, and gifts. Comparing yourself to others robs you of the ability to express and build on what’s uniquely YOU!

    Definitely let other people inspire you… but also let your own gifts shine because you never know who YOU will inspire.

  2. Expect the unexpected and, when it happens, don’t let it derail you. It’s pretty much inevitable that at some point you’re going to fall off track… so plan for it!

    There will always be obstacles – the key is to not let them stop you. They give you a chance to grow and learn. New levels, new devils.

  3. Strengthen your inner circle. When you’re close with people who are working toward the same things you are, it will help motivate and inspire you. It can also provide valuable support when things get tough.

  4. Take care of your body. When you eat healthy foods, get enough exercise, sleep well, manage your stress, and do all the self-care things, it gives you the energy you need to not only REACH your goals … but also live a more full and active life.

    And that’s what it’s all about, right?

  5. Take action (even when you don’t feel like it). You’re not always going to “feel like it.” And that’s completely normal. Do it anyway, because, in the long run, those micro-commitments you make to yourself aren’t really “micro” at all. 
  1. Focus on the positive. Check your inner dialogue… and when it turns negative, course correct ASAP so you don’t end up derailing your progress. (Or worse, quitting altogether.)
Another way to take personal responsibility? Work with a coach to help you stay focused on the exact actions you need to take to get results. 

If you’re an over 40 year old woman struggling to make your health a priority because you are taking care of everyone else, consider this a sign!  If you want to see if my 28-Day Program could help you finally lose the weight and feel like your old self again in just 28 days, book a call to see exactly what the process looks like for you and if it’s the right fit for your goals!

If you haven't downloaded my free "7-Day Resilience Checklist" grab it today to help you build your inner strength!

Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor 
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info!  Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

5 ways to get more veggies in your life

5 ways to get more veggies in your life
Here’s a fact: even if you love veggies, it can be hard to get the required amount (2 to 3 cups a day).

And that’s a shame, because veggies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that your body needs to function at its very best.

If this is something you struggle with, I’ve got some easy ideas to help you ramp up your veggie intake:

1. Chop them into tiny bits
… and stir them into scrambled eggs, soups, potatoes, casseroles, etc. When they are minced, you barely notice them!

2. Add them to every meal … one meal at a time
Start by finding ways to add them to the easiest meal (probably dinner), and then when you master that, move on to another meal.

3. Be intentional about it
Decide it’s not a balanced meal if it doesn’t contain veggies, and then get on it!

4. Make them tasty
Experiment with adding sauces and spices to your veggies. This makes a huge difference!

5. Be sneaky
Try adding carrot or pumpkin puree, spinach, and/or mushrooms to your burgers or meatloaf.

6. Fill in the Gaps
Add a scoop of powerful greens to your daily shake or juice. I use Ningxia Greens to get my extra dose of powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. With over 60 nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits, herbs, algae and mushrooms I love the peace of mind as it supports my immune system, digestive health, and energy levels!

If you haven't joined my private Facebook Group, Wellness With Colleen, hop over there now. Every week I offer fun challenges, healthy recipes, and wellness tips. 
This group is perfect for you if:
✔️ You want daily inspiration to stay on track while you create your healthy lifestyle
✔️ You’d love to get your biggest nutrition and fitness questions answered by a real coach and other like-minded people who are on the same journey
✔️ And you like getting access to FREE recipes, tips, workouts, and more! 

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Why do “bad” foods taste so good?

Why do “bad” foods taste so good?
Have you ever noticed that foods that aren't exactly “good” for you seem to taste amazing? 

It’s kind of like Mother Nature is playing a practical joke… but there are a few reasons this happens.

  1. Many “crave-worthy” foods are loaded with sugar, salt, fat, and empty calories.

  2. Our brains are hardwired to crave tasty, high-energy (aka high-calorie) foods because they help us survive when food is scarce. (Except for most of us, food isn’t scarce anymore — so we have to be careful not to overeat these foods.)

  3. Manufacturers spend a LOT of time and money making these foods as delicious as possible – and also on ads to entice us. It's no surprise that some of these foods are hard to resist!
So if you find yourself craving these foods, that’s by design! 

I’m sharing this with you because I believe knowledge is power — and keeping this in mind helps me keep my own food choices in check!

According to the National Academy of Sciences, people eat too many calories, saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars; too much sodium; and not enough vitamin D, calcium, potassium, or fiber.

Here’s the kicker: the top causes of death (heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, etc.) are strongly associated with our food choices!

Now, I am all for moderation (80%-90% healthy foods, 10%-20% “extras”) … but I also know that walking that tightrope can be a real challenge sometimes!

That’s just one reason I created the 28-Day Total Body Transformation program. If you want to know exactly how we do this and what's included, you can read my program breakdown HERE. 

It’s time to discover just how GREAT you can feel! 

Here's what one 28-Day participant said about the program, "
When I first heard about Colleen's program, I thought I didn't have "time" for another program. I read more about it and realized it was different and easier than most programs that are out there. I changed some major bad habits in just 3 days into the program that I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to do. I love the new habits I've created and still going strong; they are really lifelong changes. Who knew! Colleen did!"-Melissa G.

Our challenge this week over in my private Facebook group is "No added sugar challenge!" Join us...especially if you are feeling sluggish after too many chocolate covered bunnies from Easter!

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

The thing that's holding you back....

The thing that's holding you back....
This month we’re tackling a big topic: getting rid of what’s standing between you and your goals. 

This could be what you put in your body (food) … what you focus on with your thoughts and beliefs … and anything else that’s cluttering up your wellness journey.

The first step is probably the hardest …

It’s getting REAL and identifying exactly what’s holding you back. 

It’s a challenge because we can get into autopilot with our everyday life … and we don’t even notice what’s in our way!

I have an exercise you can do to help.

Grab your favorite pen and a journal – or open a Google doc – and start writing.
(Pro tip: The words you will write are for YOUR EYES ONLY and you can throw away/delete what you write later if you want!)

Make a list of ALL of the reasons you think you haven’t been able to achieve your goals.

Seriously, write down everything

Maybe you hate getting up early … don’t like “healthy” foods … feel like you don’t have willpower or motivation … feel overwhelmed … feel alone in your journey …  or maybe there are factors outside of your control.

Or maybe you think your goals are for other people – not for you.

Let loose and write it ALL down.

THEN, read through your list and look for common themes: time factors, mindset/motivation issues, confidence, support/accountability, etc.

Now it’s time to get into problem-solving mode and TAKE ACTION.

  • Don’t have support? Find it! Think of the health/fitness-minded people in your circle and enlist them, search for an online community, and/or work with a coach (a real game changer).
  • Not enough time? Get creative. Find ways to sneak fitness/health into the spare moments of your life. A coach can help with this, too.
  • Mindset issues? Surround yourself with motivation – read self-development books, watch inspiring YouTube videos, and keep a journal to track your progress.
    This is a HUGE area where a coach can help. 
Imagine how great will it feel to finally ditch the obstacles between you and your goals. 

And I'm here for you if you don’t want to do it alone. 

If you are frustrated, exhausted, and feel like you are spinning your wheels in the wellness area, I know I can help you. Just respond to this email and we can chat and see if one of my programs is a good fit for you.

Have a wonderful Easter week. I'm headed home to Austin on Friday to celebrate my dad's 85th birthday! Looking forward to some fun family time!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

How to meal prep if you hate leftovers

How to meal prep if you hate leftovers
Tell me if you can relate…

A lot of people tell me one of the reasons they don’t meal prep is because either they or someone in their home won’t eat leftovers. (Spoiler alert...I'M one of these people)!


But guess what? It’s still possible to get all of the time-saving and stress-busting benefits of meal prepping WITHOUT having to eat last night’s dinner!

Here’s how: instead of cooking entire meals in advance, you cook and/or prep your INGREDIENTS ahead of time.
  • Proteins
  • Carbs like whole grains, rice, quinoa, etc.
  • Pre-chop your veggies
Then, just before it’s time to eat, just assemble the meal from your prepped ingredients.
Some ideas:
  • You could poach chicken breasts, brown turkey or tofu, or roast a chicken.
  • Bake some sweet potatoes, steam some rice, or prep some quinoa.
  • Chop onions, dice carrots, or slice peppers.
Having everything prepped and on standby makes throwing together a balanced meal fast and easy.
A chef friend of mine once told me:
“Cooking is easy. All you have to do is make sure all of the ingredients taste good. If they all taste good, then your meal will taste good.”

And it’s true!

You could create a taco or burrito bowl, make a stir fry, assemble a casserole, or even create one of my personal go-to meals when I’m busy: the Anything Bowl!

The Anything Bowl is definitely NOT gourmet but it is delicious. 

All you do is combine a portion each of protein, starchy carbs, and vegetables in a bowl, and (this is the key) top it with your favorite healthy sauce or seasoning.

You could add guacamole, sriracha, low-sugar barbecue sauce, or coconut aminos. Heat it up, and voila! It’s time to eat.

Need some easy ideas for meal prep recipes? Grab my free Fast & Easy Meal Prep Recipes eBook <<

If you make a recipe from this guide, take a picture and tag me on social media! I'd love to see it!

Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor 
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info!  Wellness With Colleen

p.s. There's a group of people participating in the 28-Day Total Body Transformation program right now! It's not too late to join this supportive group to help you finally create the health changes you've been looking for (some people are on week one and others week 3)! If you are ready to finally ignite your energy, lose the weight, and feel more confident, join us now! 28-Day February Group  
Tammy is in her third week and shared, "I'm down 9.5 pounds, but the best part is I'm feeling so much better. I'm loving the delicious meals, and I'm getting in all of my exercise!"
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
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