When was the last time you got out of your comfort zone? For me, that was last night. A friend invited me to an aerial silks class. I really had no idea what I was in for, but I knew that it was pretty intimidating. All I could imagine were these super flexible people flying around on fabric hanging from the ceiling! It certainly wasn’t my “comfortable” home gym workout.
Here are a few life lessons I learned from my evening of aerial.
1. Say “YES!”
I’m so glad I said yes to meeting my new friends, Paulina & Crystalle. I wasn’t going to go because I had already played 2 hours of Pickleball….plus I knew it was out of my comfort zone. Not only did I have so much fun, I met two more amazing people that I’m glad to call friends, Shari Christiansen and Jill Schwartz.
2. Trust Yourself
This was my biggest lesson because I realized how much I didn’t trust my own body. I had to let go and trust that I was strong enough to hold on and that I wouldn’t fall. This extends into trusting your gut, and the fact that you usually know the decision or action you need to take in life.
3. Flexibility
My weakness stared me in the face. I definitely need to spend more time on flexibility and mobility. And in life, when we are willing to stretch, bend, and go with the flow we can achieve more. If we can maintain a flexible attitude to who we are, then we can also change more readily and take on new challenges.
4. Focus
I learned that if I could just focus on the new trick/move without getting ahead of myself I could do it. This resonates with me in life because I tend to want to know how to get to an outcome instead of just focusing on the moment and trusting the process.
5. Have FUN!
Don’t take yourself so seriously. We laughed at ourselves as we flipped, fell, and hurt some places I won’t mention
! Take on life with joy and curiosity. Enjoy the experience of the moment. Surround yourself with the right people to tackle activities that scare you but have fun along the way!

Yours in health,
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