Happy New Year! I've included a Facebook Live I did on the first Monday "back to work." Take a listen!
Overall, I talk about a way to help you make great decisions, set your priorities and stick to them, and even help you achieve your goals!
Plus....it can even help you feel GREAT in the process. And NO, it's not an energy drink or magic pill!
It's your FOCUS WORD for 2021.
Your word will set the tone for the entire year. It's basically your 2021 mantra. It's your intention.
Examples of words could be something like, "STRONG," "RENEW," "INTENTIONAL," or "TRANSFORM."
Whatever word you choose, it should align with your goals and also make you feel GOOD when you say it.
Words with a strong emotional response will keep you feeling excited and fired up!
First, having just ONE WORD, is simple....and reminding yourself of your word every day will help you stay on track.
The whole idea is to do MORE things that connect you with that word, and FEWER things that push you away from it.
For example, if your word is "VIBRANT" and you go out to eat, keeping your word in mind can help you order foods that make you feel vibrant...not tired or bloated later!
Take some quiet time to think about what word resonates with you for the year. Make a list and really THINK about your word. Make sure you connect with it in a deep and meaningful way, and it sums up what you want MORE of in your life!
Are you ready for my word........EXPANSION!
I'd love to hear your word!
If you want more guidance on goal setting, make sure you download my FREE ebook, "Your 2021 Goal Setting & Fresh Start Workbook." Grab it HERE!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

If you spend any time at all on social media, you’ve seen at least one meme describing how scary, chaotic, or awful 2020 has been.
And yes, it absolutely has been a year for the history books.
That being said, among the many lessons of 2020, it has brought to the forefront two very important things:
#1. What TRULY matters in our life.
#2. That the basics and fundamentals are EVERYTHING.
Our health and the people we care about became front and center this year.
Pair that up with how we’re spending our time, what we’re CHOOSING to focus on, and our personal daily habits …
and it all adds up to determine the quality of our lives.
Talk about clarity, right? What a powerful lesson to bring us into 2021!
This leads me to some eye-opening questions I have for you (questions that I have been asking myself the past several weeks) …
How can you double-down on your basics to make 2021 the best year possible?
What do you REALLY want … and what steps can you take to make them happen?
*Increasing your energy to play with your kids/grandkids?
*Making yourself a priority?
*Making better food choices?
*Getting strong and fit?
*Creating a chemical-free home?
*Starting a side hustle?
When you lean into your basics, it’s like giving yourself instant permission to live your best life. It’s incredibly liberating!
What those basics look like will be different for each of us.
For me, I’m personally focusing on:
- Offering more valuable content on wellness for my followers
- Growing myself through personal development so I grow as a leader
- Creating more awareness of the toxic chemicals hidden in products
- Showing more people how to create a financial safety net for their family
Your basics might be different. What will YOUR priorities be?
If you’re ready to start fresh and make 2021 an incredible year, I’m here to help you come up with a plan that fits YOU, YOUR LIFE, and YOUR GOALS.
As my gift to help you make 2021 your best year yet, I’m offering you my free eBook…Goal Setting and Fresh Start Workbook! Grab it here!
Let’s make 2021 a year for the record books (in a completely different way!).
Have a healthy day!
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

The holidays can be rough. As fun and wonderful asl it is to spend time with family and friends, it took a toll on me this year. I feel sluggish, bloated, and ready to get my groove back. In this video I share three simple tips to help you have success!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!