● 1 cup creamy oat milk (or cashew or almond)
● 1-2 handful of baby spinach
● ½ large frozen banana, sliced (I prefer half an avocado

● ¼ tsp pure peppermint extract (or 1 drop YL Vitality Peppermint Essential Oil)
● Sprinkle of cacao nibs
● OPTIONAL: 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
● OPTIONAL: ¼ cup of Greek yogurt and/or 1 tbsp honey
Pour the oat milk into a high-speed blender and add the spinach. Blitz until well combined and then add the banana, peppermint extract, and optional ingredients. Blend until smooth. Pour into a tall glass over ice, and sprinkle with the cacao nibs. Yum!
Let us know if you make this...or if you change up the ingredients share with us!

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An FDA study in 2010 found lead in 400 lipsticks at levels up to 7.19 ppm (parts per million). Lead can pose serious health risks, including neurological effects, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, and reproductive toxicity.
It is so harmful that the government banned it from house paint in 1978 and from gasoline in 1996. However, it is still found in many cosmetics and some packaged food! Lead does not show up on ingredient labels, and it has been found in a wide range of lipsticks—from cheap brands to luxury brands.
There’s lead in most lipstick but that is not disclosed on product labels because (similar to why asbestos isn’t disclosed in baby powder) the toxic lead was not “intentionally” added to the product.
The FDA found the highest lead levels in lipsticks made by three manufacturers…Read more here:
The FDA found the highest lead levels in lipsticks made by three manufacturers…Read more here:
This is why I only use Young Living’s Savvy Minerals Lipstick, Lip gloss, and Lip balm!
Don’t stress! You can still feel beautiful wearing bright lipstick without lead or harsh chemicals! Savvy Minerals by Young Living® Lipsticks is formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, bismuth, talc, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic colorants!
Below are the ingredients used in some of the formulas and why:
Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained by cold pressing castor beans. It was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks for a wide variety of uses. In India, castor oil has been prized for its skin-supporting properties. Castor oil is commonly used in cosmetic products such as creams, moisturizers, and hair care products.
Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes. The seeds are loaded with powerful antioxidants.
Beeswax is the purified wax from honeycombs. Female worker honey bees of the genus Apis produce the natural beeswax. Bees fly 150,000 miles to yield 1 pound of beeswax. Beeswax is used as a binder and provides a rich emollient to creams, which is especially good for dry skin.
The candelilla plant belongs to the Euphorbia species. It is a flowering plant that has a similar appearance to cacti, but it has milky latex. Candelilla wax serves as a protective seal for the plant and helps it retain moisture. Candelilla wax helps increase the thickness of the oils in the lipsticks, giving them structure, allowing for a smooth application, and keeping them solid.
Vitamin E is great for the skin and helps maintain the appearance of healthy, youthful-looking skin.
Sunflower Seed Oil
is commonly used in cosmetic products, and it includes palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid.
Jojoba seed oil: Jojoba helps protect the skin and helps it maintain its natural moisture. It’s one of the reasons why the lipsticks will glide on your lips smoothly without leaving greasy residue.
Coconut oil: This is a very popular ingredient in cosmetics and beauty products for its antioxidant and conditioning properties and for helping the skin stay protected from drying. Who doesn’t love coconut oil?!
Shea butter: Obtained from the fruit of a tree native to Africa, shea has become a favorite to not only the natives but to everyone who uses it. It is composed of rich fatty acids that condition and nourish skin, hair, and nails. This is why natives have used it for centuries in everything from homemade ointments to hair treatments and body butters.
Plus, the beautiful, bright shades come from the minerals, not synthetic dyes or colors!
What is your favorite lipstick color? Drop a comment👇🏻👇🏻!
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I have some really interesting and practical info today that might just help put you in a better mood the next time you’re having one of “those” days.
It has to do with some pretty cool studies that looked at the link between your posture and your mood! It has definitely made me double-down on checking my own posture during the day.
OK … let’s talk about how your posture can affect your mood.
This month we’re focusing a lot on core strength and how it plays a role in so many areas of your health and wellness. A stronger, balanced core helps you have a better, more upright posture.
Which affects everything from your digestion to your breathing and even how stressed you might feel!
Have you ever noticed how your posture affects how you feel? And vice versa? Like you are tired, so you start slouching down in your chair, and you feel even MORE tired.
Or, you are sitting upright and having an absolute KILLER day at work, and feeling at the top of your game?
So, the first study I want to talk about looked into how your posture while you’re sitting down can affect your mood.
Scientists at the University of Auckland took 74 volunteers and had them sit in either an upright or slouched posture. They also made up a story about why they had to remain in that position so they didn’t know what the study was about.
Then they had everyone do a bunch of activities, tests, and assessments – and here’s what they found...
---> The people who sat upright had higher measures of self-esteem, general awareness, they were in a better mood, and less fear than the slouching test subjects.
---> Meanwhile, the people who sat with bad posture used more negative words, more words related to sadness, and they also spoke less in general.
Pretty amazing, right? This effect isn’t just limited to your posture while sitting!
Another study done in Auckland looked at how people’s walking posture played a role in their mood and stress levels.
First, researchers got a baseline level for everyone in the study for their mood, fatigue level, feelings of being in control, as well as their blood pressure, skin temperature and skin reactivity, and more.
Then, they had them walk in either a slouched or upright right posture and surprised them with an unexpected stressful situation.
Here’s what they found: The people who walked upright felt more awake and powerful, had fewer negative emotions, and felt less fatigued than the slouching group.
PLUS … the people who walked with good posture had lower blood pressure, had less skin response, and lower skin temp than those walking with a slouch.
I think this is so interesting because we associate standing tall with being more confident, and these studies watch these associations play out in real life!
This is just one reason why it’s so important to check your posture on a regular basis to make sure you’re not slouching – it’s good for your body, but it’s also good for your mind, mood, and performance!
How often do you check whether you’re sitting or standing with good posture? It’s a great habit to get into because it pays off in so many ways.
Are you going to join me in those posture checks?
Leave a comment and let me know!
Also, I have a quick reminder for you about that you can still have free access to my 5-Day Stronger to the Core Challenge. After reading this info, you might just want to take advantage of this awesome program! https://colleenriddle.com/landing/stronger-core-challenge
Here's what some participants say about the Core Challenge:
“Finished day 5 and am loving the way I can feel the extra strength and support that I feel in my core!
I am going keep these wonderful new habits in my life!”-Sandy H.

“Posture checks and stretch breaks helped while meal prepping yesterday which always gets my back but better with your reminders so thank you for this challenge and making me more core aware”- Jennifer J.
“Completed!! Thanks for the jump start on my road to better health!!” Sunny S.
Thanks for stopping by!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

When we think of injuries, we usually picture something that “happened” like a sprained ankle or pulled muscle.
But many injuries are actually caused by years of bad posture. This is me....after years of sitting on the side of a pool deck hunched over combined with years of swimming...hello rounded back! This led to issues with my shoulder (and of course the over-use of all "said" swimming, LOL). Where are my fellow swimmers?
Do you have a rounded back?

One of the BIG causes of that is carrying a purse, briefcase, or a bag on one shoulder!
When you carry weight on one side all the time, you can end up compensating by rounding your spine to the opposite side in order to compensate. (Seriously, start watching people carrying bags and you’ll see what I’m talking about!)
This does NOT mean you can’t carry a bag with you.
BUT … if you are going to carry weight on just one side (we all have our favorite sides), there are some protective measures you can take. Do this:

Be mindful of your posture.

If you need help strengthening your core, I have a FREE 5-Day Stronger to the Core Challenge that's perfect! https://colleenriddle.com/landing/stronger-core-challenge
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
I’ve got an eye-opener for you today. It’s all about warning signs that your core muscles are getting weak.
This is HUGE for your fitness & wellness because your core muscles are some of the most important in your body.
They support your spine and your internal organs, and they power almost every movement you make.
The problem is, our lifestyles work against having a strong core – and over time your muscles can get weaker without you even realizing it! This can set you up for poor posture, injuries, aches & pains, and more!
Have you noticed any of these warning signs?
7 Warning Signs You Have a Weak Core
1. You have to use your arms to help you get out of bed or out of a chair. This one can be super sneaky because you can do it subconsciously.
Here’s a test to try right now: sit down in a chair, wait a few seconds, and then stand up. Did you automatically reach out to grab a table, desk, or even put your hands on your thighs to push you up?
Here’s another test to do first thing tomorrow morning: when you are still lying in bed, pay attention to how you get up. Do you use your hands to push you into a sitting position to get up?
Both are signs your core could use some strengthening!
2. You notice you’re slouching when you’re driving or at your desk. This is another one of those subconscious signs.
The more (and longer) you sit, the more you’re apt to slouch. It only makes sense because over time your muscles get tired of holding you up!
But this can make it harder for your lungs to expand when you breathe … it can make pretty much all of the muscles in the front of your body become tight and inflexible … and can make you feel fatigued and even depressed!
And eventually, it can even lead to weakness.
3. Your balance is off. Your core muscles help keep you stable, especially if you have to make any sudden moves, stand on one foot, or do anything that involves rotating or twisting.
Try standing on one foot for 15-30 and then repeat on the other side.
If you find yourself wobbling, try this: think about “zipping up” through your core muscles while you stand on one foot. Did it help? (Make sure you breathe! More on that below.)
4. You feel weak or off-balance when you do certain movements like a throw or kick.
When you move with force, your core fires up to keep you stable – especially during unilateral (one-sided) motions.
Not being able to generate much force is a sign your core is weak.
5. Your plank form is off. Having a hard time getting into a proper plank position is a BIG sign your core is lacking strength!
A plank requires that your entire body is in proper alignment. That means you’re in a straight line from the top of your head to your heels.
Your shoulders, back, and butt should all be neutral (not hunched, lifted, or sagging), your neck should be long and strong, and your legs engaged. If you’re having difficulty, it means you might have some imbalances in those muscles.
NOTE: Holding a plank in improper form can actually reinforce any weaknesses/imbalances you have, so finding that “perfect” form is VERY IMPORTANT.
6. You hold your breath when you do planks and other core exercises.
This matters because of a muscle deep inside your body – your diaphragm! Not only does your diaphragm play a key role in your breathing, but it also works with your deep core muscles.
If you can’t breathe and hold a plank (or do other core exercises) at the same time, chances are it’s because your core muscles are weak.
This is just one reason why coaches always cue you to breathe. :)
7. Your hip flexors/legs get tired when you are doing ab & core exercises like bicycles or bird dogs.
When your core is weak, your body can recruit other muscles to do the exercises!
If you notice that happening to you, focus on 1) engaging your core, 2) moving more intentionally, 3) breathing, and 4) modifying the movement by going more slowly or shortening your range of motion until your core is stronger.
Paying attention to all of these warning signs can help you build a strong core that supports your body for a healthy, active, and fit life!
And the best part is that you’re never alone! We’re here to help you in your wellness journey! If you'd like my FREE download of my 5-Day Stronger to the Core Challenge, click HERE!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!