5 important questions to ask yourself

5 important questions to ask yourself

As we approach the last week of 2022, I’ve got a GREAT mindset exercise that’ll help you do two things: 

  1. Set amazing new goals for 2022, and even more importantly,

  2. Give you the power to reach them.

FACT: almost all of us have had New Year’s resolutions at one point or another ... that we gave up on just a few short weeks later.

Want to know one of the main things that separate those who quit and those who don’t?

It’s engaging in regular REFLECTION along the way.

And a lot of people do it the wrong way. 

True reflection is a PROCESS that helps you recognize what’s working … and what isn’t … by asking yourself specific questions. 

Questions that can help take your life to the next level.

  • Reflection is NOT beating yourself up for what didn’t work.

  • Reflection IS taking time to think about the reasons why certain habits or actions “click” for you and why others are more of a struggle.

It’s stepping back to look at the big picture to see what is really required to set yourself up for success.

Here are 5 reflection questions to ask yourself over the next few days as we head toward 2022.

  1. How have you contributed to your happiness and health in 2021? 

  2. Where do you want to be a year from now? What is MOST important to you in 2022? (Top 3) Be specific. 

For each of your top three things, answer: 

  1. What specific things do you already do in your life that is moving you closer to what’s most important to you? Do you want to continue doing them in 2022? Take them to the next level?

  2. What specific things do you currently do that stalls your progress or holds you back? Why do you believe you take these actions? 

  3. What are 1-2 simple steps you can start taking NOW to make your vision a reality?

Another great question to ask yourself: “What would this look like if it was easy?”

If you get stuck, it helps to get an outside perspective. 

This is where coaching comes in …

Because a great coach can help you make the process a lot easier and more direct. They can eliminate the learning curve to find the fastest path to real results. 

And it’s one of the things we do best in my 28-Day Total Body Transformation Challenge. This program is specifically designed to take the guess work out of healthy eating and exercise. With my coaching and fun group atmosphere you will finally learn how to create and sustain healthy habits for a lifetime.

If you are ready for meaningful – and measurable – results, we are here to help. Here's what one client had to say about the 28-Day program, "When I started Colleen’s 28 day challenge, I was physically and emotionally in a rut. This challenge completely turned me around and headed me back in the right direction. I feel and look so much better! I would recommend this challenge to anyone!! Colleen is amazing, kind and fun to work with! Her workouts and all her lifestyle ideas are absolutely wonderful!! I would go so far as to say this stuff is life saving!!!" -S.H.

You do NOT have to go it alone! Click here for more info about the 28-Day Program. We start January 17th!

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2022!

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5 Life Lessons I learned from Aerial Silks Class

5 Life Lessons I learned from Aerial Silks Class
When was the last time you got out of your comfort zone? For me, that was last night. A friend invited me to an aerial silks class. I really had no idea what I was in for, but I knew that it was pretty intimidating. All I could imagine were these super flexible people flying around on fabric hanging from the ceiling! It certainly wasn’t my “comfortable” home gym workout.
Here are a few life lessons I learned from my evening of aerial.

1. Say “YES!”
I’m so glad I said yes to meeting my new friends, Paulina & Crystalle. I wasn’t going to go because I had already played 2 hours of Pickleball….plus I knew it was out of my comfort zone. Not only did I have so much fun, I met two more amazing people that I’m glad to call friends, Shari Christiansen and Jill Schwartz.

2. Trust Yourself
This was my biggest lesson because I realized how much I didn’t trust my own body. I had to let go and trust that I was strong enough to hold on and that I wouldn’t fall. This extends into trusting your gut, and the fact that you usually know the decision or action you need to take in life.

3. Flexibility
My weakness stared me in the face. I definitely need to spend more time on flexibility and mobility. And in life, when we are willing to stretch, bend, and go with the flow we can achieve more. If we can maintain a flexible attitude to who we are, then we can also change more readily and take on new challenges.

4. Focus
I learned that if I could just focus on the new trick/move without getting ahead of myself I could do it. This resonates with me in life because I tend to want to know how to get to an outcome instead of just focusing on the moment and trusting the process.

5. Have FUN!
Don’t take yourself so seriously. We laughed at ourselves as we flipped, fell, and hurt some places I won’t mention😳🤣! Take on life with joy and curiosity. Enjoy the experience of the moment. Surround yourself with the right people to tackle activities that scare you but have fun along the way!

Yours in health,
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

Seinfeld's strategy for real results....

Seinfeld's strategy for real results....

Ready to finish out 2021 STRONG?
I’ve got something a little different for you today … but you know it has to be good because it’s straight from Jerry Seinfeld.
It’s called “The Seinfeld Strategy” 
And it’s the same exact method he used to pump out non-stop content for his TV show and for his stand-up acts. 
Here’s what’s really cool ...
We can use this same strategy to stay consistent with our fitness/health/nutrition also … ESPECIALLY through the holiday season!
How it works:
  1. Get a calendar or create a spreadsheet - something you can post on your wall. The bigger the better. 
  2. Every day you work out / follow your plan, draw a big red X over the day
  3. After a few days, you’ll see a nice looking chain starting to build … a chain that gets longer and longer every day!
  4. Your goal: DON’T BREAK THE CHAIN! 
The key is to set yourself up for success. 
👉Aiming for a 90-minute workout, 7 days/week is NOT going to be realistic for most people. 
But you know what is? 
MOVING your body and getting your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes. Meditating everyday. Drinking half of your body weight in ounces every day. You get the idea.....YOU pick something that fits your goals.
So, are you up for the challenge? 
Step #1: What’s the action you want to commit to EVERY day for the rest of the year? 
Step #2: What’s the minimum threshold for being able to draw that “X” on your calendar? 
Step #3: Do it every day! 
If something happens and you miss a day, note how many days you kept up your streak. Then start back ASAP to beat your old streak. 
This is a POWERFUL way to help build consistency - especially during the time of year when our self-care sometimes takes a back seat. 
Reply back to this email if you’re up for the challenge and let me know what you are choosing!
Make it an amazing day!

PS: Accountability is EVERYTHING when it comes to reaching your goals. Having a support system in place means you’re not in it alone – and that someone is there to help you every step of the way. 
That’s just ONE of the reasons my coaching programs have helped so many people succeed. If you’re ready for more, let’s talk. Here's what one client says, "I have been working with Colleen and I have never felt better about my overall health- My body has made an amazing transition in such a short period of time.  Colleen's knowledge is second to none when it comes to fitness and nutrition.  She truly is a caring and sincere person who wants you to achieve all your fitness goals."  Brandie S.

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

I dare you to try this for a week....

I dare you to try this for a week....
I have a riddle for you … 
What’s an activity that:
  • between 200-500 million people across the world engage in,
  • has tripled in popularity over the past decade, and
  • is believed to improve your wellness, focus, energy, and mood? 
Plus, studies show it can help alleviate back pain … improve enzymes in your brain to help fight Alzheimer’s … and even make your sex life better.
Some athletes use it to improve their performance. 
It can also be perfect for helping you to cope with that extra stress that pops up during the holiday season, which will soon be in full swing. 
If you guessed meditation … you’re right! 
Meditation is a GREAT tool to help you become more mindful – which we’re focusing on a lot this month.
That’s because when you’re MINDFUL it basically means you are PRESENT and AWARE – which plays a huge role in your results, motivation, and even your workouts. 
Having a meditation practice is a lot more mainstream today than it was 10 years ago. 
In fact, almost as many people in the US meditate as do yoga (a little over 14% each).
Researchers are still investigating exactly HOW it works, but we do know that besides slowing down brain waves …
 meditation helps you grow more gray matter in your hippocampus (which is linked with improving your mood & focus and slowing down age-related decline in cognitive functioning).
It’s definitely worth considering adding meditation to your wellness/fitness toolkit!
It’s easy to get started – just sit quietly in a comfy chair for a few minutes with your eyes closed, focusing on your breath and feeling your belly and chest rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. That’s it.
Try doing that for a few days, gradually increasing your time as it feels right. I add essential oils to help me deepen my focus.
Or you can use an app – there are dozens out there! (10 Percent Happier, Insight Timer (free, this is the one I use), Calm, and Headspace.) Also, my team put together a text series using Deepak Chopra's guided meditation 21 day series. This is how I started meditating, and it's amazing! Just text: CALM to 801-405-9525 and you'll receive daily text to the guided meditations.
At Elite Physique, we believe fitness is a mind-body experience. We work with clients to develop strategies for living their best life.
Live today with intention! If you haven't download my latest free Ebook all about focusing on mindfulness, grab it here:Mindfulness Workbook
Yours in health,
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info!  Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

I’m sharing a secret most people don’t know about me😊. Plus a tip on making a difference!

Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
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