I have a riddle for you …
What’s an activity that:
- between 200-500 million people across the world engage in,
- has tripled in popularity over the past decade, and
- is believed to improve your wellness, focus, energy, and mood?
Plus, studies show it can help alleviate back pain … improve enzymes in your brain to help fight Alzheimer’s … and even make your sex life better.
Some athletes use it to improve their performance.
It can also be perfect for helping you to cope with that extra stress that pops up during the holiday season, which will soon be in full swing.
If you guessed meditation … you’re right!
Meditation is a GREAT tool to help you become more mindful – which we’re focusing on a lot this month.
That’s because when you’re MINDFUL it basically means you are PRESENT and AWARE – which plays a huge role in your results, motivation, and even your workouts.
Having a meditation practice is a lot more mainstream today than it was 10 years ago.
In fact, almost as many people in the US meditate as do yoga (a little over 14% each).
Researchers are still investigating exactly HOW it works, but we do know that besides slowing down brain waves …
meditation helps you grow more gray matter in your hippocampus (which is linked with improving your mood & focus and slowing down age-related decline in cognitive functioning).
It’s definitely worth considering adding meditation to your wellness/fitness toolkit!
It’s easy to get started – just sit quietly in a comfy chair for a few minutes with your eyes closed, focusing on your breath and feeling your belly and chest rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. That’s it.
Try doing that for a few days, gradually increasing your time as it feels right. I add essential oils to help me deepen my focus.
Or you can use an app – there are dozens out there! (10 Percent Happier, Insight Timer (free, this is the one I use), Calm, and Headspace.) Also, my team put together a text series using Deepak Chopra's guided meditation 21 day series. This is how I started meditating, and it's amazing! Just text: CALM to 801-405-9525 and you'll receive daily text to the guided meditations.
At Elite Physique, we believe fitness is a mind-body experience. We work with clients to develop strategies for living their best life.
Live today with intention! If you haven't download my latest free Ebook all about focusing on mindfulness, grab it here:Mindfulness Workbook
Yours in health,
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
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Join me as I share a great article I read about 10 phrases to drop from your vocabulary. I saw it in Success Magazine and found it intriguing and insightful! Whether you are leading a team, presenting to a client, or even communicating with family members, verbal mistakes can undermine your credibility and distract from the message. I'd love to hear if you use any of the phrases. I'm specifically working on eliminating number 2 and number 10!
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Did you know that we are actually in charge of our attitude every day? Some days when I'm in a funk, or grumpy, I remind myself that I have the power to shift my energy and attitude at any time. I just have to decide. One great way to do this is beginning your day with rituals. Things you do every morning that help set the stage for an incredible, happy day! Here are a few ideas.
1. Gratitude: Before you get out of bed think of 10 things you are grateful for. It could be that you have a warm cozy bed to sleep in. It could be your fur baby that's snuggled beside you. Or if you are really tired and can't think of much because you really don't want to get out of that warm bed, be grateful you have feet that will hit the floor, eyes that you can open, and the roof over your head. Sounds simple, but can really be profound.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast: Filling your body with clean nutrients will power you through your morning. Mentally, it feels awesome to know that you are making a decision to fuel your body with the power it deserves.
3. Personal Development/Meditation: I notice a huge difference in my attitude when I make the time to read or meditate. If you aren't a reader, there are great books on audible. I love listening to books while I'm driving around. Podcasts are another great option. One of my favorite ones is "The Quote of the Day." Most are about 10 minutes, and the speakers are always inspiring and give a great message!
4. Practice visualization: Personally, it helps set the tone for my day. The visualization piece is huge for me because it reminds me of my "why," and motivates me to kick ass because I'm on a mission! You can even break it down and visualize how you want your day to go. Have an important meeting? Visualize the way you want it to go! Seriously, this works. A great book to help you learn the art of visualization is, Mach II with your Hair on Fire by Richard Brooke.
Yours in health,
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!
Those of you who have been following me on Facebook know that my husband and I have been fostering 4 kittens for the last six weeks. We've learned many life lessons along the way, and in this video, I talk about finding the joy. I'd love to hear your feedback!
Yours in health,
Video not available? Click here to play the video https://youtu.be/9rF72drr2EU
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