- Not having enough time
- Lack of support
- Not knowing what to do
- Your genetics
- Pizza
- You haven’t made reaching your goals a true priority. This means you let your healthy habits slide when you’re stressed/tired/something more fun comes along.
- You have imposter syndrome. You don’t think you are worthy of your goals, which makes it easier to quit.
- You haven’t set yourself up for success. It’s super easy to get discouraged and quit when you don’t have a plan, support, accountability, etc.
- You think you don’t have the willpower. EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) struggles from time to time. But when you know WHY your goal matters to you, it’s easier to overcome those struggles.
- You let one “slip” derail you. No one is perfect 24/7. The people who reach their goals get up after a slip-up, dust themselves off, figure out what went wrong, and get back at it!

- Take a breath.
When you’re stressed/busy, taking just a few minutes for controlled, mindful breathing can help your body’s stress control system do its job. I use essential oils paired with deep breathing and it's like magic. - Move your body.
This is one of the best stress-relievers out there! Exercise works on a hormonal level to help you feel calmer, less stressed, and more relaxed. - Get a new perspective.
Studies show that spending time in nature (just a few minutes) can help cut stress. - Upgrade your nutrition & hydration.
Stress can make you crave high-calorie foods that contain a LOT of sugar and fat. This can make you feel tired, blah, and sluggish. Upgrade your choices to include nutrient-dense whole foods that help you feel better. Adding a shot of NingXia Red can help support blood sugar levels as well as provide massive antioxidants. - Make time for recovery (aka sleep).
When you sleep, your body is helping you recover from yesterday so you can be rejuvenated to tackle tomorrow. Make sure to go to bed early enough so you can get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. - Build a support network.
Having people around you (in-person or virtually) who hold you accountable is everything! (Our FB group can be a good place to start: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wellnesswithcolleen/ ) - Feed your mind.
Make sure you get a steady diet of positive input – whether it’s listening to inspiring podcasts and audiobooks, reading self-development books, or learning about fitness & wellness … it can keep you motivated and moving forward. Also try meditating for at least 5 minutes a day.

Maybe you’ve heard this saying:
“You are only one workout away from a GOOD MOOD.”
It’s SO TRUE – a workout can rev up your body’s feel-good hormones, give you a mental break, and shift your focus. Which makes it a great way to turn your day around!
A few days ago, I sent you an email about how everything is connected – your sleep, activity, food choices, stress, and so much more.
You can read it here: https://colleenriddle.com/blog/30890/the-real-cause-of-your-cravings-
Anyway, I mentioned how if you’re having an “off” day in one area, taking ONE GOOD-FOR-YOU ACTION can turn it around into an “on” (or at least better) day.
A quick workout is one of the fastest ways to help with that – in just a few short minutes.
Here are 5 quick ways to get your heart pumping in just 10 minutes!
10-Minute Feel-Good Workouts:
Cardio Walk: Lace up your kicks and go outside for a quick 10-minute walk. Or hit the treadmill/elliptical for 10 minutes.
Strength Circuit: Repeat for a total of 10 minutes: 10 squats, 30 seconds “pretend” jump rope (or march in place), 10 pushups, 30 seconds jumping jacks, 10 lunges (each side), 10 bicycle crunches (each side), 10 glute bridges, 30-second break.
Dance It Out: Turn on your favorite music and have a dance party.
Aggression-Relieving Session: Alternate kickboxing moves – 30 seconds of punches with 30 seconds of kicks, 30 seconds off, for a total of 10 minutes.
Cardio Cleaning Session: Set your timer for 10 mins and GO for a fast & furious chore session. Don’t get distracted. (This one isn’t as fun as the options above … but on the plus side, you’ll knock off a few things from your to-do list.)
As you can see, you don’t need any special equipment – you just need some focus, good music, and boom! You can turn your day (& mood) around. We'd love to know if you try any of these ideas. Hop on over to the Facebook Group after you try and tell us!
Have a fantastic day!

- between 200-500 million people across the world engage in,
- has tripled in popularity over the past decade, and
- is believed to improve your wellness, focus, energy, and mood?

- Your heart health
- Your metabolism
- Your digestion
- Your skin
- Your body’s ability to repair DNA damage, and
- So much more!