Do you remember Whac-A-Mole?
You know, the arcade game where a mole keeps popping up in unpredictable spots and it’s your job to smack it on the head?
Well, that’s kind of like how stress works.
Except you are the mole … and when stress gets out of control, every time you make a move, it keeps bopping YOU on the head.
This is why it’s SO IMPORTANT to have a plan to manage stress before it manages you.
Because when stress is in control, not only do YOU feel out of control, but it’s tough to reach your goals. It can affect your sleep, your appetite, your relationships, and so much more!
I came across this list of 6 different kinds of stress a while ago and thought it was eye-opening.
Since most of us deal with more than one kind of stress at a time, you can see how it really adds up to take a toll on your health!
- Physical stress: bad night of sleep, being sick, or hungry
- Mental stress: rough day at work, too many decisions to make, overwhelmed
- Emotional stress: feeling guilty, grief, anger, hate, frustration
- Social stress: disagreements with others, feeling lonely, etc.
- Existential stress: feeling hopeless, wondering what it all means, etc.
- Environmental stress: loud noises, unsafe surroundings, hot or cold temperatures, stuck in traffic, etc.
Creating a lifestyle that helps you prevent and manage those stresses will help you become more resilient – and can stop stress from getting in the way of your health.
PLUS: the same steps that help you manage stress will also move you CLOSER to your health goals.
That means finding ways to:
- Get enough sleep
- Move your body during the day
- Eat a healthy diet
- Practice stress management techniques that work with you (meditation, prayer, journaling, yoga, breathing exercises, etc.)
Make time for YOU today! You deserve it.
PS: If you’re ready to take back control, my 28-Day Total Body Transformation program can help you create a plan that will help you conquer everyday stress AND reach your goals … while feeling great along the way.
Want to know more? Let's chat! Or you can click HERE.
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

When my clients are struggling in almost any area of their health and fitness …
… there’s one question at the top of my list to help figure out what’s going on.
“How’s your sleep?”
Getting your sleep habits under control is a super important “basic” that will help skyrocket your results.
It impacts everything in your body, right down to the cellular level.
I’m talking about things like your: health, fitness, body composition, hormones, stress levels, appetite, mood, ability to concentrate, immune system, and even aging.
And … did you know that while you sleep, your brain actually “cleanses” itself?
Researchers discovered that while we sleep, cerebrospinal fluid washes in and out of our brain helping to get rid of metabolic “trash” that accumulates there during the day.
Over the long term, lack of sleep is correlated with dementia, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Plus, a large review of studies linked too little sleep to an increased risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% in adults.
Pretty eye-opening, right?
That’s why it’s SO important to find what works for YOU, so you can get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
Here are 8 tips to improve your sleep (and your results) naturally:
- Get some sunlight every day, but avoid blue light (from TVs, computers, and devices) at night.
- Avoid caffeine after your morning cup of coffee. Caffeine can stay in your system for 6-8 hours.
- Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day/night, and avoid daytime naps longer than 15-30 minutes.
- Avoid alcohol because it can interfere with hormones related to sleep … plus it’s linked with sleep apnea.
- Optimize your bedroom for sleep: make sure it’s quiet, dark, comfy, and serene, and that it’s at the right temperature for you (not too hot or cold).
- Avoid eating for a few hours before bed because it can disrupt your hormones (this is a sneaky one that’s worth tracking).
- Get in a workout, but not too close to bedtime.
- Wind down before you go to bed: take a relaxing bath or shower, listen to quiet music, read a book, use essential oils, etc.
And if you try all of those tips and STILL can’t sleep, be sure to tell your healthcare provider the next time you have an appointment. I can also share my holistic bedtime routine that works great for me (I have some good tricks)!
So, how did YOU sleep last night?
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

This month I’ve been talking about next-level steps you can take to boost your results …
and today’s blog might just be about the most important step.
It affects almost every action you take and every decision you make.
It’s your mindset … and it could be playing tricks on you!
Here’s why it’s worth paying attention to:
People can develop beliefs, habits, and feelings that help us … but later in life, those same beliefs, habits, and feelings can work AGAINST us without us even realizing it!
I’m going to focus on fitness & wellness, but this applies to every area of your life, from your finances to your relationships.
Example 1: When you were growing up, food was used as a reward or way to soothe your feelings when you had a bad day. So now, if something great and/or stressful happens, you believe you “deserve” pizza and ice cream even though they aren’t helping you reach your goals (not to mention the stomachache after you eat them).
Example 2: You spent years competing as an athlete and now believe that you didn’t do a “real” workout unless you give it your all, even if it leaves you feeling exhausted and overly sore (and maybe even aggravates an old injury). This was me until I hit 40 and realized that my body just couldn't take it anymore.
You get the picture!
We all struggle with these things at some point or another.
The good news is that you can CHANGE your mindset around these beliefs. Here are 3 steps to overturning those limiting beliefs.
1. It starts with PAYING ATTENTION and recognizing them when they crop up.
This can be surprisingly challenging because they can feel like non-refutable facts or actions, to the point where you don’t even question them.
This is why it’s so important to:
2. Question your beliefs and habits. Try to understand them – while they might have served you in the past, are they doing you any favors now?
Ask yourself, “Why do I think or do this?”
3. Step out of your comfort zone (with baby steps). Over time you can replace your old beliefs with positive beliefs and habits that support your goals and current lifestyle.
If you need help getting rid of old, limiting beliefs that have been getting in your way, my 28 Day Total Body Transformation program can help.
I have a proven plan to help you feel stronger, fitter, and more confident. You can learn more here:
Or if you feel like you need one-on-one help, I have a few personal training/coaching spots available (in person or over zoom). Just reach out if you want to chat.
You’ve got this!
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

This month I’m talking about simple things you can do to boost your results …
And this one is surprisingly effective.
It can help you “hack” your way to less stress, happier moods, and better workout results (plus less soreness).
Here it is: Don’t skip your post-workout cooldown or stretches!
Your cooldown has powerful implications for your health … right down to your central nervous system.
I know you’re busy and want to jet off when your workout is over, but it’s absolutely worth taking a few extra minutes to wind down after your workout.
I take a deeper dive into your cooldown in my latest ebook, The Ultimate Post-Workout & Recovery Guide. Get a FREE copy here: https://colleenriddle.com/landing/post-workout-recovery-guide
What you do during your cooldown will depend on your workout, but here are some basic guidelines:
→ If you just did a cardio or high-intensity workout, spend at least 5 minutes gradually returning your heart rate to normal by slowly reducing the intensity of your movements (walking, cycling, etc.).
This can help stop blood from pooling in your extremities, which can make you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or even faint.
→ If it was a strength-training workout, hop on an exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical for a short, moderate-intensity session to help avoid post-workout soreness. Be sure to bring your heart rate down gradually.
COOLDOWN PHASE #2: Where the real magic happens!
After exercising, your muscles are warm and pliable, which makes it a GREAT time to work on your flexibility.
Stretching helps:
- Prevent soreness
- Improve mobility
- Improve your posture
- Improve flexibility & your range of motion
- Cut your risk of injury
- Increase blood flow
- Relieve tension and stress
- Promote relaxation
Not to mention the fact that it just plain feels good to stretch after a workout!
If you normally skip your cooldown, try it for a few weeks and see if you notice a difference.
At Elite Physique Personal Training, I love helping people over 40 move better, feel better, gain more confidence, and get their energy back!
My 28-Day Total Body Transformation program can help you lose fat and build muscle with effective workouts and meal plans that work WITH your body, not against it. You can check out more info HERE.
I ran into a client last week at a community event. He did my 28-Day program earlier this year. He's continuing to lose weight because he learned how to create sustainable, healthy habits that stick (and he doesn't feel deprived). Nothing warms my heart more!!
Here's what he sent me when he completed the program......
"I participated in the 28-day total body transformation challenge. She was there for me 100% even when I wanted to give up. Her positive vibes and gift of motivation truly got me through the tough times. I would recommend this program for anyone! It helped me drop about 8lbs; I had to buy new belts, and I feel fantastic!-"Rob G.
Yours in health,
Colleen Riddle, ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Young Living Gold Independent Distributor
Join my Facebook Group for more wellness info! Wellness With Colleen
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!

It’s nutrition hack day … and I’ve got a tip that will give you a major payoff both right now and into the future.
But first, I need to start with a big question.
When you sit down to eat, do you pay attention to your food and how your body feels while you’re eating?
Or … are you chowing down in front of the TV or while scrolling your phone/computer?
Paying attention to how you fuel your body – and being INTENTIONAL about your food choices – can seriously transform your results.
By being intentional, I mean paying attention to:
- Where your food comes from,
- How you prepare and serve it,
- What it tastes like and how satisfying it is (every bite), and
- How it makes you feel after you eat it.
Check this out! According to a government study, the average person spends 2½ hours a day eating.
BUT for more than half of that time, we’re not paying attention to what we’re doing – we’re watching TV, working, on our phones, reading, etc.
More than HALF.
The problem with that is that being intentional helps you figure out which foods are working FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU.
By that I mean, meals that keep you feeling fuller, longer … or make you feel bloated, blah, tired, and/or hungry two hours later.
Try this: For the next few days, really pay attention to your food.
- Before you eat, think about where the food came from and how it was prepared.
- Take a moment to think about what purpose it is serving for your body, health, and goals.
- Taste and enjoy every bite.
- Notice if/when you feel full or satisfied.
- Note how you feel 1-2 hours later.
You might be (you will be!) surprised at what you discover.
I just released my Free Ultimate Post-Workout Recovery Guide! It's my gift for being a loyal follower!
You’ll learn simple tips and tricks for optimal post-workout recovery that will help you:
✔️ Support lean muscle growth
✔️ Experience better energy levels after your workout
✔️ And keep your motivation high!
Interested in ways to support your wellness with chemical-free options? Click HERE!